Es hat keinen Sinn zu theoretisieren, bevor man nicht alle Fakten kennt.
Arthur Conan Doyle
unsichtbares Element
- Dietel M, Dorn G, Montz R, Altenähr E: The effect of calcium and dibutryl-cAMP on the secretion of parathyroid hormone by human parathyroid adenomas in organ culture. Acta Endocrinol 85: 541-547, 1977
- Altenähr E, Dietel M, Dorn G, Montz R: The effect of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol on the parathyroid hormone secretion of porcine parathyroid glands and human parathyroid adenomas in vitro. Acta Endocrinol 86: 533-538, 1977
- Dietel M, Altenähr E, Montz R, Hagemann J, Dorn G: Correlation of electron microscopic and secretory response of human parathyroid adenomas with different calcium concentrations in organ culture. Virchows Arch [A] 378: 229-246, 1978
- Dietel M, Dorn G, Montz R, Altenähr E: Influence of vitamin D3 , 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on parathyroid hormone secretion, adenosine 3′,5′- monophosphate release, and ultrastructure of parathyroid glands in organ culture. Endocrinology 105: 237-245, 1979
- Dietel M, Dorn-Quint G: By-pass secretion of human parathyroid adenomas. A particular intracellular form of rapid adaptation to external stimuli. Lab Invest 43: 116-125, 1980
- Dietel M, Lehmann E, Kaspar M, Heitz Ph: Distribution pattern of PTH in human parathyroid adenomas. An immunohistochemical study. Horm Metab Res 12: 640-641, 1980
- Dietel M, Bahnsen J, Stegner HE, Hölzel F: Paget’s disease of the vulva with underlying apocrine adenocarcinoma and local lymph node invasion. Path Res Pract 171:353-361, 1981
- Dietel M, Stegner HE: Zur Klassifikation maligner Ovarialtumoren. Klinisch-pathologische Studie an 498 Fällen. Pathologe 2: 226-232, 1981
- Dietel M: Funktionelle Morphologie und Pathologie der Nebenschilddrüsen. In: Dhom G, Eder M, Fischer R, Holzner H, Lennert K, Seifert G, Thoenes W (Hrsg) Veröffentlichungen aus der Pathologie, Heft 119. Fischer, Stuttgart-New York, 1982.
- Dietel M, Hölzel F: Influence on parathyroid hormone storage in normal and adenomatous parathyroid tissue by stimulation and inhibition in vitro. J Histochem Cytochem 31: 275-284, 1983
- Simon WE, Albrecht M, Hänsel M, Dietel M, Hölzel F: Cell lines derived from human ovarian carcinomas: Growth stimulation by gonadotropic and steroid hormones. J Natl Cancer Inst 70: 839-845, 1983
- Dietel M, Hölzel F, Arps H, Bressel M: Differential calcium response of normal and adenomatous parathyroid glands. Acta Endocrinol 107: 375-381, 1984
- Simon W, Albrecht M, Trams G, Dietel M, Hölzel F: In vitro growth promotion of human mammary carcinoma cells by steroid homones, tamoxifen, and prolactin. J Natl Cancer Inst 73: 313-321, 1984
- Dietel M, Bodecker R, Arps H, Bahnsen J, Hölzel F:Borderline-Tumoren des Ovars. Neue Aspekte zur morphologischen Prognosebestimmung. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 45: 213-219, 1985
- Dietel M, Hölzel F, Arps H, Simon W, Albrecht M: Mammakarzinome in vitro: Zytoskelett, Tumormarker, Zellkern-DNA und Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Hormonen und Zytostatika. Verh Dtsch Ges Path 69: 212-217, 1985
- Hölzel F, Albrecht M, Simon WE, Hänsel M, Metz R, Schweizer J, Dietel M: Effectiveness of antineoplastic drugs on the proliferation of human mammary and ovarian carcinoma cells in monolayer culture. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 109: 217-226, 1985
- Arps H, Dietel M, Schulz A, Janzarik H, Klöppel G: Pancreatic endocrine carcinoma with ectopic PTH-production and paraneoplastic hypercalcaemia. Virchows Arch [A] 408: 497-503, 1986
- Dietel M: Zellrezeptoren – Funktionen und Defekte. Verh Dtsch Ges Path 70: 4-17, 1986.
- Dietel M, Arps H, Klapdor R, Müller-Hagen S, Sieck M, Hoffmann L: Antigen detection by the monoclonal antibodies CA 19-9 and CA 125 in normal and tumor tissue and patients‘ sera. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 111: 257-265, 1986.
- Dietel M, Arps H, Rohlff A, Bodecker R, Niendorf A: Nuclear DNA content of borderline tumors of the ovary: correlation with histology and significance for prognosis. Virchow Arch [A] 409: 829-836, 1986.
- Dietel M, Hölzel F, Dell’Orto P, Niendorf A, Arps H, Viale G, Kröger A: Blood group substances, CEA, and lectins in ovarian tumors. Cancer Detect Prev 9: 511-520, 1986
- Dietel M, Niendorf A, Arps H: Zellrezeptoren. Pathologe 7: 75-84, 1986
- Niendorf A, Dietel M, Arps H, Lloyd J, Childs GV: Visualization of binding sites for parathyroid hormone (PTH 1-84) on cultured kidney cells with biotinyl-PTH (1-84) antagonist. J Histochem Cytochem 34: 357-361, 1986
- Arps H, Bals U, Gerding D, Trapp M, Niendorf A, Garbrecht M, Klapdor R, Hölzel F, Dietel M: In vitro test for chemosensitivity using freshly explanted tumour cells. Int J Immunother 3: 229-235, 1987
- Arps H, Dietel M, Lauritzen B, Elting JJ, Niendorf A, Cohn DV: Co-localization of parathyroid hormone and secretory protein-I in bovine parathyroid glands: a double immunocytochemical study at the electron microscopical level. Bone and Mineral 2: 175-183, 1987
- Dietel M: What’s new in receptor mediated growth promotion of normal and malignant cells? Path Res Pract 182: 431-442, 1987
- Dietel M, Arps H, Gerding D, Trapp M, Niendorf A: Establishment of primary cell cultures: Experiences with 155 cell strains. Klin Wochenschr 65: 507-512, 1987
- Dietel M, Arps H, Niendorf A, Schäfer HJ, Hölzel F: Abnormal calcium distribution in human parathyroid adenomas as possible cause of primary hyperparathyroidism. Horm Metabol Res 19: 177-181, 1987
- Niendorf A, Arps H, Dietel M: Effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on human cancer cells in vitro. J Steroid Biochem 27: 825-828, 1987
- Niendorf A, Arps H, Sieck M, Dietel M: Immunoreactivity of PTH binding in intact bovine kidney tissue and cultured cortical kidney cells indicative for specific receptors. Acta Endocrinol 281: 207-211, 1987
- Zabel M, Biela-Jacek I, Surdyk J, Dietel M: Studies on localization of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the thyroid-parathyroid complex. Virchows Arch [A] 411: 569-573, 1987
- Zabel M, Dietel M: S-100 protein and neuron-specific enolase in parathyroid glands and C-cells of the thyroid. Histochemistry 86: 389-392, 1987
- Arps H, Sablotny N, Dietel M, Niendorf A, Schröder S: DNA cytophotometry in malignant thyroid tumors – use of different evaluation schemes for prognostic statements. Virchows Archiv [A] 413: 319-323, 1988
- Dietel M: Endokrinologie der Tumoren. Hormone, Wachstumsfaktoren und deren Rezeptoren in normalem und tumorösem Gewebe. Dt Ärztebl 85: 3593-3595, 1988
- Dietel M, Arps H, Gerding D, Trapp M, Sieck M, Niendorf A: Effectiveness of mitoxantrone on the proliferation of cell cultures derived from malignant mesenchymal tumors of human origin. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 114: 197-203, 1988
- Niendorf A, Dietel M, Arps H, Childs GV: A novel method to demonstrate parathyroid hormone binding on unfixed living target cells in culture. J Histochem Cytochem 36: 307-309, 1988
- Dietel M, Arps H, Bals U, Niendorf A, Henke P, Garbrecht M, Platz D, Weh G, Thoma G, Klapdor R, Jonat W, Winkler K, Hölzel F: Individualisierung der Chemotherapie durch prädiktive in vitro Bestimmung der Zytostatikasensitivität maligner Tumoren. DMW 114: 1645-1652, 1989
- Dietel M, Löser R, Röhlke P, Jonat W, Niendorf A, Gerding D, Kohr A, Hölzel F, Arps H: Effect of continuous vs. intermittent application of 3-OH-tamoxifen or tamoxifen on the proliferation of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 M1. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 115: 36-40, 1989
- Rath M, Niendorf A, Reblin T, Dietel M, Krebber J, Beisiegel U: Detection and quantification of lipoprotein (a) in the arterial wall of 107 coronary bypass patients. Arteriosclerosis 9: 579-592, 1989
- Dietel M, Arps H, Lage H, Niendorf A: Membrane vesicle formation due to acquired mitoxantrone resistance in the human gastric carcinoma cell line EPG85-257. Cancer Res 50: 6100-6106, 1990
- Dietel M, Arps H, Niendorf A: Morphologische Veränderungen als Folge in vitro induzierter Chemoresistenz. In: Osieka R, Seeber S, Enghofer E (Hrsg) Chemotherapieresistenz. Mechanismen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Überwindung. Onkologisches Kolloquium Bd. 4, pp 1-15. de Gruyter, Berlin, 1990
- Dietel M, Niendorf A: Cellular receptors of hormones and nonhormone ligands in normal and malignant cells. Recent Results Cancer Res 118: 1-18, 1990
- Dietel M, Seidel A: Morphologic alterations in drug sensitive vs. drug resistant cells due to cytostatic applications. Cancer Treat Rev 17 (suppl A): 3-10, 1990
- Hamper K, Lazar F, Dietel M, Caselitz J, Berger J, Arps H, Falkmer U, Auer G, Seifert G: Prognostic factors for adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck: a retrospective evaluation of 96 cases. J Oral Pathol Med 19: 101-107, 1990
- Ludwig A, Dietel M, Schäfer G, Müller K, Hilz H: Nicotinamide and nicotinamide analogues as antitumor promoters in mouse skin. Cancer Res 50: 2470-2475, 1990
- Niendorf A, Rath M, Wolf K, Peters S, Arps H, Beisiegel U, Dietel M: Morphological detection and quantification of lipoprotein(a) deposition in atheromatous lesions of human aorta and coronary arteries. Virchows Arch [A] 417: 105-111, 1990
- Scherdin U, Steffen M, Dietel M, Boecker W, Breindl M, Hölzel F: Elevated expression of v-mos is correlated with altered differentiation of carcinoma cells. Oncogene 5: 1619-1627, 1990
- Schröder S, Niendorf A, Achilles E, Dietel M, Padberg BC, Beisiegel U, Dralle H, Bressel M, Klöppel G: Immunocytochemical differential diagnosis of adrenocortical neoplasms using the monoclonal antibody D11. Virchows Arch [A] 417: 89-96, 1990
- Weh HJ, Zügel M, Wingberg D, Schwarz R, Zornig C, Dietel M, Hossfeld DK: Chemotherapy of metastatic soft tissue sarcoma with a combination of adriamycin and DTIC or adriamycin and ifosfamide. Onkologie 13: 448-452, 1990
- Dietel M: Morphological characterization of cell receptors. In: Seifert G (ed) Current topics in Pathology, Vol. 83 – Cell receptors, pp 71-116. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1991
- Dietel M: What’s new in cytostatic drug resistance and pathology. Path Res Pract 187: 892-905, 1991
- Dietel M: Normale und pathologische Anatomie der Nebenschilddrüsen. In: Rothmund M (ed) Hyperparathyreoidismus, pp 61-83. Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 1991
- [Dietel M] Members of the EORTC Clonogenic Assay Screening Study Group
Human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor modulates in vitro growth in only a minority of continuous human tumour cell lines. Eur J Cancer 27: 231-235, 1991 - Knabbe C, Zugmaier G, Schmahl M, Dietel M, Lippmann ME, Dickson RB: Induction of transforming growth factor ß by the antiestrogens droloxifene, tamoxifen, and toremifene in MCF-7 cells. Am J Clin Oncol 14 (suppl 2): S15-S20, 1991
- Zabel M, Dietel M: Calcitriol decreases calcitonin secretion from a human medullary carcinoma cell line via specific receptor action. Acta Endocrinol 125: 299-304, 1991
- Dietel M: Rezeptordefekte als Krankheitsfaktor. In: Siegenthaler W, Haas R (Hrsg) Publikationen der Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Band 4: Kommunikationsstörungen als Krankheitsfaktor, pp 127-145, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, 1992
- Dietel M: DNA-Zytophotometrie in Pathologie und Chirurgie. Langenbecks Arch Chir 377: 1-3, 1992
- Dietel M: Ist Krebs besiegbar? Ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der Pathologie bösartiger Tumore. Christiana Albertina 34: 5-14, 1992
- Höllt V, Kouba M, Dietel M, Vogt G: Stereoisomers of calcium antagonists which differ markedly in their potencies as calcium blockers are equally effective in modulating drug transport by P-glycoprotein. Biochem Pharmacol 43:2601 – 2608, 1992
- Padberg BC, Arps H, Franke U, Thiedemann C, Rehpenning W, Stegner HE, Lietz H, Schröder S, Dietel M: DNA cytophotometry and prognosis in ovarian tumors of borderline malignancy. A clinicomorphologic study of 80 cases. Cancer 69: 2510-2514, 1992
- Seidel A, Nickelsen M, Dietel M: Mechanisms of resistance in a human gastric carcinoma cell line resistant against daunoblastin. In: Klapdor R (ed) Tumor associated antigens, oncogenes, receptors, cytokines in tumor diagnosis and therapy at the beginning of the nineties, pp 554-558. Zuckschwerdt, München, 1992
- Steffen M, Scherdin U, Vértes I, Boecker W, Dietel M, Hölzel F: Karyotype instability and altered differentiation of rat sarcoma cells after retroviral infection. Genes Chromos Cancer 4: 46-57, 1992
- Dietel M: Second international symposium on cytostatic drug resistance. Meeting report. Cancer Res 53: 2683-2688, 1993
- Dietel M, Bals U, Schaefer B, Herzig I, Arps H, Zabel M: In vitro prediction of cytostatic drug resistance in primary cell cultures of solid malignant tumors. Eur J Cancer 29: 416-420, 1993
- Reymann A, Looft G, Woermann C, Dietel M, Erttmann R: Reversal of multidrug resistance in Friend leukemia cells by dexniguldipine-HCl. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 32: 25-30, 1993
- Weh HJ, Agarwal K, Zornig C, Schwarz R, Dietel M, Hossfeld DK: Treatment results obtained in metastatic soft tissue sarcoma with a combination of doxorubicin and dacarbazine or doxorubicin and ifosfamide. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 31(Suppl 2): S189-S193, 1993
- Dietel M, Herzig I, Reymann A, Brandt I, Schaefer B, Bunge A, Heidebrecht HJ, Seidel A: Secondary combined resistance to the multidrug resistance reversing activity of cyclosporin A in the cell line F4-6RADR-CsA. Cancer Res Clin Oncol 120: 263-271, 1994
- Holm PS, Scanlon KJ, Dietel M: Reversion of multidrug resistance in the P-glycoprotein-positive human pancreatic cell line (EPP85-181RDB) by induvction of a hammerhead ribizyme. Br J Cancer 70: 239-243, 1994
- Dietel M: Die Polymerase-Kettenreaktion in der diagnostischen Pathologie. Verh. Dtsch. Ges Path 78: 136-145, 1994
- Braakhuis-BJ; Hill-BT; Dietel-M; Kelland-LR; Aapro-MS; Zoli-W; Lelieveld-P: In vitro antiproliferative activity of docetaxel (Taxotere), paclitaxel (Taxol) and cisplatin against human tumour and normal bone marrow cells. Anticancer-Res. 14: 205-8, 1994
- Seidel A, Hasmann M, Löser D, Kohr A, Bunge A, Schaefer B, Herzig I, Heinemann G, Brandt I, Nickelsen M, Steidtmann K, Dietel M: Intracellular distribution and kinetics of daunorubicin in sensitive and multidrug-resistant EPG85-257. Virch Arch 426: 249-256, 1995
- Dietel M, Nicopoulos T, Reymann A, Pest S, Seidel A: In vivo reversibility of multidrug resistance by the niguldipine derivative B859-35 (dexniguldipine). J. Exp. Therap. Oncol, accepted, 1995
- Wiechen K, Dietel M: C-erbB-2 antisense phosphothioate oligonukleotides inhibit growth and serum-induced cell spreading of P185cerbB-2-overexpressing ovarian carcinoma cells. Int. J. Cancer, 63: 1-5, 1995
Petersen I, Reichel M, Dietel M: Use of non-radioactive detection in SSCP, direct DNA sequencing and LOH analysis. J Clin Pathol: Mol Pathol 49: 118-121, 1996
Dietel M.: Molecular mechanisms and possibilities of Overcoming drug resistance in gastro-intestinal tumors. In Recent Results in Cancer Research (P. Kreuser, P. Schlag eds.), Springer Verlag Heidelberg, New York, vol. 142,89-102, 1996
Dietel M.: Diagnostische Molekularpathologie, Dt Ärzteb 93: 2856-59, 1996
W. Beck, T. Grogan, Ch. Willman, C. Cordon-Cardo, D. Raham, J. Kuttesch, M. Andreeff, S. Bates, J. Boyet, N. Brophy, H. Broxterman, H. Chan, W. Dalton, M. Dietel, A. Fojo, D. Head, P. Houghton, K. Srivastava, E. Paietta, Z. Pavelic, L. Rimzsa, I. Roninson, B. Sikic, P. Twentyman, R. Warnke, and R. Weinstein: Methods to detect P-Glycoprotein-associated multidrug resistance in patients´ tumors:consensus recommendations. Cancer Res 56: 3010-3020, 1996
Lage H, Dietel M: Cloning of a human cDNA encoding a protein with high homology to yeast methionyl-t RNA synthetase. Gene 178: 187-189, 1996
Bockmühl U, Schwendel A, Dietel M, Petersen I: Distinct patterns of chromosomal alterations in high and low-grade head and neck sqamous cell carcinomas. Cancer Res 56: 5325-5329, 1996
Schwendel A, Langreck H, Reichel M, Schröck E, Ried T, Dietel M, Petersen I: Primary small-cell lung carcinomas and their metastases are characterized by a recurrent pattern of genetic alterations. Int. J. Cancer 74: 86-93, 1997
Kellner U, Hutchinson L, Seidel A, Lage H, Danks M, Dietel M, Kaufmann S: Decreased drug accumulation in a mitoxantrone-resistant gastric carcinoma cell line in the absence of P-glycoprotein. Int. J. Cancer 71: 817-824, 1997
Petersen I, Langreck H, Wolf G, Schwendel A, Psille R, Vogt P, Reichel MB, Ried T, Dietel M:
Small-cell lung cancer is characterized by a high incidence of deletions on chromosomes 3p, 4q, 5q, 10q, 13q and 17p. Brit. J. Cancer 75: 79-86, 1997 -
Tennstedt C, Hufnagl P, Nguyen-Dobinsky TN, Chaoui R, Bollmann R, Urban M, Korner H, Tietz S, Tietz P, Dietel M: Modern fetal autopsy oriented to clinical demands using technical information methods. Pathologe 1997;18:445-52
Bargou R, Jürchott K, Wagener C, Bergmann S, Metzner S, Bommert K, Mapara M, Winzer K, Dietel M, Dörken B, Royer H: Nuclear localization and increased levels of transcription factor YB-1 in primary human breast cancers are associated with intrinsic MDR1 gene expression. Nature Medicine 4: 447-450, 1997
Lage H, Dietel M: Cloning and characterization of human cDNAs encoding a protein with high homology to rat intestinal development protein OCI-5. Gene 188: 151-156, 1997
Kaufmann O., Flath B., Späth-Schwalbe E., Possinger K., Dietel, M. Immunohistochemical detection of CD5 with monoclonal antibody 4C7 on paraffin sections. Am.J.Clin.Pathol. 108:669-673, 1997
Roth K., Wolf G, Dietel M, Petersen I: Image analysis for Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) based on a karyotyping program for Windows. Anal.Quant.Cytol.Histol 19:461-474, 1997
Kaufmann O., Georgi T., Dietel M: Utility of 123C3 monoclonal antibody against CD56 (NCAM) for the diagnosis of small cell carcinomas on paraffin sections. Hum Pathol 28:1373-1378, 1997
Saretzki G, Hoffmann U, Rohlke P, Psille R, Gaigal T, Keller G, Hofler H, Loning T, Petersen I, Dietel M: Identification of allelic losses in benign, borderline, and invasive epithelial ovarian tumors and correlation with clinical outcome. Cancer 80: 1241-9, 1997
Kaufmann O, Dietel M, Scherberich JE, Gaedicke G, Fischer P: Immunohistochemical differentiation of metastases of renal carcinomas versus other carcinomas with anti-gamma GT monoclonal antibody 138H11. Histopathology 31: 31-7, 1997
Roth K, Wolf G, Dietel M, Petersen I: Image analysis for comparative genomic hybridisation based on a karyotyping program for windows. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 1997;19(6):461-74
Dietel M: Illegal professional conflict of interest from the viewpoint of university research. Z Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich 1998 Oct;92(8-9):620-5
- Wolf G, Petersen D, Dietel M, Petersen I: Telemicroscopy via the internet. Nature 391:613-614. 1998
- Petersen I, Bockmuhl U, Petersen S, Wolf G, Dietel M: Patterns of chromosomal imbalances in carcinomas of the respiratory tract. Adv Exp Med Biol 1998; 451:9-16
- Kaufmann O, Baume H, Dietel M: Detection of oestrogen receptors in non-invasive and invasive transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder using both conventional immunohistochemistry and the tyramide staining amplification (TSA) technique. J Pathol 1998; 186:165-8
- Tennstedt C, Chaoui R, Bollmann R, Korner H, Dietel M: Correlation of prenatal ultrasound diagnosis and morphological findings of fetal autopsy. Pathol Res Pract 1998; 194 :721-4
- Dinges S, Deger S, Koswig S, Boehmer D, Schnorr D, Wiegel T, Loening SA, Dietel M, Hinkelbein W, Budach V: High-dose rate interstitial with external beam irradiation for localized prostate cancer–results of a prospective trial. Radiother Oncol 1998; 48 :197-202
- Schwendel A, Richard F, Langreck H, Kaufmann O, Lage H, Winzer KJ, Petersen I, Dietel M: Chromosome alterations in breast carcinomas: frequent involvement of DNA losses including chromosomes 4q and 21q. Br J Cancer 1998 Sep;78(6):806-11
- Kaufmann O, Koch S, Burghardt J, Audring H, Dietel M: Tyrosinase, melan-A, and KBA62 as markers for the immunohistochemical identification of metastatic amelanotic melanomas on paraffin sections. Mod Pathol 1998, 11:740-6
- Petersen S, Rudolf J, Bockmuhl U, Gellert K, Wolf G, Dietel M, Petersen I: Distinct regions of allelic imbalance on chromosome 10q22-q26 in squamous cell carcinomas of the lung. Oncogene 1998, 30;17: 449-54
- Muller M, Dietel M, Turzynski A, Wiechen K: Antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide down-regulation of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor in ovarian cancer cells. Int J Cancer 1998 Aug 12;77(4):567-71
- Dietel M: Molecular pathology of colorectal cancer: From phenotype to genotype. Recent Results Cancer Res 1998;146:3-19
- Tennstedt C, Chaoui R, Bollmann R, Dietel M: Angiomyxoma of the umbilical cord in one twin with cystic degeneration of Wharton’s jelly. A case report. Pathol Res Pract 1998;194(1):55-8
- Matthias C, Bockmuhl U, Jahnke V, Petersen I, Dietel M, Fryer A, Strange RC: [Effect of gene polymorphism on detoxifying glutathione-S-transferase enzymes on chromosomal stability of squamous epithelial carcinomas in the area of the head-neck]. Laryngorhinootologie 1998 Apr;77(4):201-6
- Kaufmann O, Kother S, Dietel M: Use of antibodies against estrogen and progesterone eceptors to identify metastatic breast and ovarian carcinomas by conventional immunohistochemical and tyramide signal amplification methods. Mod Pathol 1998 Apr;11(4):357-63
- Wolf G, Petersen I, Dietel M: Microscope remote control with an Internet browser. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 1998 Apr;20(2):127-32
- Anderer U, Nohren H, Koch I, Harms D, Dietel M: Organization of the Pediatric Tumor Cell Bank of the Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. Klin Padiatr 1998 Jan-Feb;210(1):1-9
- Bockmuhl U, Wolf G, Schmidt S, Schwendel A, Jahnke V, Dietel M, Petersen I: Genomic alterations associated with malignancy in head and neck cancer. Head Neck 1998 Mar;20(2):145-51
- Wiechen K, Zimmer C, Dietel M: Selection of a high activity c-erbB-2 ribozyme using a fusion gene of c-rbB-2 and the enhanced green fluorescent protein. Cancer Gene Ther 1998 Jan-Feb;5(1):45-51
- Lage H, Dietel M, Froschle G, Reymann A: Expression of the novel mitoxantrone resistance associated gene MXR7 in colorectal malignancies. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 1998 Jan;36(1):58-60
- Reymann A, Woermann C, Froschle G, Schneider C, Brasen JH, Lage H, Dietel M: Sensitive assessment of cytostatic drug resistance-mediating factors MDR1 and MRP in tumors of the gastrointestinal tract by RT-PCR. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 1998 Jan;36(1):55-7
- Petersen I, Petersen S, Bockmuhl U, Schwendel A, Wolf G, Dietel M: Comparative genomic hybridization of bronchial carcinomas and their metastases. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol 1997;81:297-305
- Petersen S, Wolf G, Bockmuhl U, Gellert K, Dietel M, Petersen I: Allelic loss on chromosome 10q in human lung cancer: association with tumour progression and metastatic phenotype. Br J Cancer 1998;77(2):270-6
- Nguyen-Dobinsky T N, Hufnagl P, Bollmann R, Dietel M: MedLink, a telemedicine framework. Adv Clin Path 1998 Apr;2(2):173-176
- Tennstedt C, Chaoui R, Korner H, Dietel M: Spectrum of congenital heart defects and extracardiac malformations associated with chromosomal abnormalities: results of a seven year necropsy study. Heart 1999 Jul;82(1):34-9
- Lage H, Dietel M: Involvement of the DNA mismatch repair system in antineoplastic drug resistance. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1999;125(3-4):156-65
- Ross DD, Yang W, Abruzzo LV, Dalton WS, Schneider E, Lage H, Dietel M, Greenberger L, Cole SP, Doyle LA: Atypical multidrug resistance: breast cancer resistance protein messenger RNA expression in mitoxantrone-selected cell lines. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999; 91:429-33
- Lage H, Christmann M, Kern MA, Dietel M, Pick M, Kaina B, Schadendorf D: Expression of DNA repair proteins hMSH2, hMSH6, hMLH1, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase and N-methylpurine-DNA glycosylase in melanoma cells with acquired drug resistance. Int J Cancer 1999: 80: 744-50
- Kaufmann O, Flath B, Spath-Schwalbe E, Possinger K, Dietel M: Immunohistochemical detection of CD10 with monoclonal antibody 56C6 on paraffin sections. Am J Clin Pathol 1999; 111: 117-22
- Zabel M, Dietel M, Gebarowska E, Michael R: Effect of follicular cells on calcitonin gene-expression in thyroid parafollicular cells in cell culture. Histochem J 1999; 31;175-180
- Wiechert A, Holm PS, Dietel M, Lage H: Selection of high activity ribozyme against the cytostatic drug resistance associated glypican-3 using an in vitro assay containing total tumor RNA. Cancer Gene Therapy 1999; 6: 263-70
- Teichmann D, Grobusch MP, Wesselmann H, Temmesfeld-Wollbruck B, Breuer T, Dietel M, Emmerich P, Schmitz H: Suttorp N A haemorrhagic fever from the Cote d’Ivoire. Lancet 1999 Nov 6;354(9190):1608
- Wiechen K, Karaaslan S, Turzynski A, Dietel M: Suppression of the c-erbB-2 gene product decreases transformation abilities but not the proliferation and secretion of proteases of SK-OV-3 ovarian cancer cells. Br J Cancer 1999 Nov;81(5):790-5
- Sinha P, Hutter G, Kottgen E, Dietel M, Schadendorf D, Lage H: Search for novel proteins involved in the development of chemoresistance in colorectal cancer and fibrosarcoma cells in vitro using two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and microsequencing. Electrophoresis 1999 Oct;20(14):2961-9
- Sinha P, Hutter G, Kottgen E, Dietel M, Schadendorf D, Lage H: Increased expression of epidermal fatty acid binding protein, cofilin, and 14-3-3-sigma (stratifin) detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and microsequencing of drug-resistant human adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Electrophoresis 1999 Oct;20(14):2952-60
- Kolble K, Ullrich OM, Pidde H, Barthel B, Diermann J, Rudolph B, Dietel M, Schlag PM, Scherneck S: Microsatellite alterations in serum DNA of patients with colorectal cancer. Lab Invest 1999 Sep;79(9):1145-50
- Wiechen K, Karaaslan S, Dietel M: Involvement of the c-erbB-2 oncogene product in the EGF-induced cell motility of SK-OV-3 ovarian cancer cells. Int J Cancer 1999; 83:409-14
- Petersen S, Rudolf J, Bockmuhl U, Deutschmann N, Dietel M, Petersen I.: Analysis of the DMBT1 gene in carcinomas of the respiratory tract. Int J Cancer. 2000; 88:71-76.
- Lage H, Jordan A, Scholz R, Dietel M.: Thermosensitivity of multidrug-resistant human gastric and pancreatic carcinoma cells. Int J Hyperthermia. 2000;16:291-303.
- Tennstedt C, Meyer R, Hufnagl P, Vogel M, Chaoui R, Goltz D, Dietel M.: Autopsy techniques in congenital heart defects. Influence of prenatal diagnosis on the planning and carrying out of autopsies. Pathologe. 2000;21:240-6.
- Schewe C, Rizzello M, Dietel M, Hauptmann S.: PCR based diagnosis in pathology. Pathologe. 2000;21:218-28. Review.
- Dietel M, Nguyen-Dobinsky TN, Hufnagl P.: The UICC Telepathology Consultation Center. International Union Against Cancer. A global approach to improving consultation for pathologists in cancer diagnosis. Cancer. 2000 Jul 1;89(1):187-91.
- Dietel M, Hauptmann S.: Serous tumors of low malignant potential of the ovary. 1. Diagnostic pathology. Virchows Arch. 2000 May;436(5):403-12. Review.
- Richard F, Pacyna-Gengelbach M, Schluns K, Fleige B, Winzer KJ, Szymas J, Dietel M, Petersen I, Schwendel A.: Patterns of chromosomal imbalances in invasive breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2000 May 20;89(3):305-10.
- Spath-Schwalbe E, Flath B, Kaufmann O, Thiel G, Brinckmann R, Dietel M, Possinger K.: An unusual case of leukemic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with blastic transformation. Ann Hematol. 2000 Apr;79(4):217-
- Kaufmann O, Volmerig J, Dietel M.: Uroplakin III is a highly specific and moderately sensitive immunohistochemical marker for primary and metastatic urothelial carcinomas. Am J Clin Pathol. 2000;113:683-7.
- Petersen S, Heckert C, Rudolf J, Schluns K, Tchernitsa OI, Schafer R, Dietel M, Petersen I.: Gene expression profiling of advanced lung cancer. Int J Cancer. 2000 May 15;86(4):512-7.
- Kaufmann O, Dietel M.: Expression of thyroid transcription factor-1 in pulmonary and extrapulmonary small cell carcinomas and other neuroendocrine carcinomas of various primary sites. Histopathology. 2000 May;36(5):415-20.
- Tennstedt C, Chaoui R, Vogel M, Goldner B, Dietel M.: Pathologic correlation of sonographic echogenic foci in the fetal heart. Prenat Diagn. 2000 Apr;20(4):287-92.
- Hidalgo A, Schewe C, Petersen S, Salcedo M, Gariglio P, Schluns K, Dietel M, Petersen I.: Human papilloma virus status and chromosomal imbalances in primary cervical carcinomas and tumour cell lines. Eur J Cancer. 2000 Mar;36(4):542-8.
- Lage H, Helmbach H, Dietel M, Schadendorf D.: Modulation of DNA topoisomerase II activity and expression in melanoma cells with acquired drug resistance. Br J Cancer. 2000 ;82:488-91.
- Brinckmann R, Kaufmann O, Reinartz B, Dietel M.: Specificity of PCR-based clonality analysis of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements for the detection of bone marrow involvement by low-grade B-cell lymphomas. J Pathol. 2000 Jan;190(1):55-60.
- Petersen S, Aninat-Meyer M, Schluns K, Gellert K, Dietel M, Petersen I.: Chromosomal alterations in the clonal evolution to the metastatic stage of squamous cell carcinomas of the lung. Br J Cancer. 2000, 82:65-73.
- Kaufmann O, Dietel M.: Thyroid transcription factor-1 is the superior immunohistochemical marker for pulmonary adenocarcinomas and large cell carcinomas compared to surfactant proteins A and B. Histopathology. 2000;36:8-16.
- Hufnagl P, Bayer G, Oberbarnscheidt P, Wehrstedt K, Guski H, Hauptmann S, Dietel M.: Comparison of different telepathology solutions for primary frozen section diagnostic. Anal Cell Pathol. 2000;21:161-167.
- Hufnagl P, Bayer G, Oberbamscheidt P, Wehrstedt K, Guski H, Hauptmann S, Dietel M.: Comparison of different telepathology solutions for primary frozen section diagnostic. Anal Cell Pathol. 2000;21:161-7.
- Kolble K, Barthel B, Ullrich O, Pidde H, Dohring C, Ruschoff J, Schlag PM, Dietel M.: [beta-Catenine as a genomic target of high-grade microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer] Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol. 2000;84:182-6.
- Sezer O, Niemoller K, Eucker J, Jakob C, Kaufmann O, Zavrski I, Dietel M, Possinger K.: Bone marrow microvessel density is a prognostic factor for survival in patients with multiple myeloma. Ann Hematol. 2000;79:574-7.
- Dietel M, Dierks C, Hufnagl P, Schlag PM.: Automobile versus horse–immediate diagnostic section by telepathology, Pathologe. 2000;21:391-5..
- Lage H, Dietel M.: Effect of the breast-cancer resistance protein on atypical multidrug resistance. Lancet Oncol. 2000;1:169-75. Review.
- Dietel M.: The histological diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. Is there a need to simplify? Virchows Arch. 2001 ; 439:604-8. Review.
- Kaufmann O, Fietze E, Mengs J, Dietel M.: Value of p63 and cytokeratin 5/6 as immunohistochemical markers for the differential diagnosis of poorly differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas. Am J Clin Path 2001: 116, 823-830
- Grottke C, Mantwill K, Dietel M, Schadendorf D, Lage H.: Identification of differentially expressed genes in human melanoma cells with acquired resistance to various antineoplastic drugs. Int J Cancer. 2000; 88:535-46.
- Kowalski P, Wichert A, Holm PS, Dietel M, Lage H.: Selection and characterization of a high-activity ribozyme directed against the antineoplastic drug resistance-associated ABC transporter BCRP/MXR/ABCG2. Cancer Gene Ther. 2001;8:185-92.
- Materna V, Holm PS, Dietel M, Lage H: Kinetic characterization of ribozymes directed against the cisplatin resistance-associated ABC transporter cMOAT/MRP2/ABCC2. Cancer Gene Ther. 2001;8:176-84.
- Lage H, Helmbach H, Grottke C, Dietel M, Schadendorf D: DFNA5 (ICERE-1) contributes to acquired etoposide resistance in melanoma cells. FEBS Lett. 2001;494:54-9.
- Wiechen K, Sers C, Agoulnik A, Arlt K, Dietel M, Schlag PM, Schneider U: Down-regulation of caveolin-1, a candidate tumor suppressor gene, in sarcomas. Am J Pathol. 200;158:833-9.
- Wiechen K, Diatchenko L, Agoulnik A, Scharff KM, Schober H, Arlt K, Zhumabayeva B, Siebert PD, Dietel M, Schafer R, Sers C: Caveolin-1 is down-regulated in human ovarian carcinoma and acts as a candidate tumor suppressor gene. Am J Pathol. 2001;159:1635-43.
- Tennstedt C, Hufnagl P, Korner H, Vogel M, Dietel M, Chaoui R: Fetal autopsy: the most important contribution of pathology in a center for perinatal medicine. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2001;16:384-93.
- Tennstedt C, Hufnagl P, Chaoui R, Korner H, Dietel M: Fetal autopsy: a review of recent developments. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2001;99:66-71.
- Lage H, Perlitz C, Abele R, Tampe R, Dietel M, Schadendorf D, Sinha P: Enhanced expression of human ABC-transporter tap is associated with cellular resistance to mitoxantrone. FEBS Lett. 2001;503:179-84.
- Hauptmann S, Nadjari B, Kraus J, Turnwald W, Dietel M: Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex-cord tumor–a case report and review of the literature. Virchows Arch. 2001;439:97-101. Review.
- Gardziella S, Hufnagl P, Bodo M, Mortara I, Dietel M: The UICC Telepathology Consultation Center. „Second opinion“ over the Internet for pathologists. Pathologe. 2001;22:288-9. German.
- Lage H, Kellner U, Tannapfel A, Dietel M: Expression of a glypican-related 62-kDa antigen is decreased in hepatocellular carcinoma in correspondence to the grade of tumor differentiation. Virchows Arch. 2001 ;438:567-73.
- Dietel M, Hufnagl P: Electronic communication in medicine. Z Arztl Fortbild Qualitatssich. 2001 Oct;95:596-600
- Hauptmann S, Dietel M: Serous tumors of low malignant potential of the ovary-molecular pathology: part 2. Virchows Arch. 2001;438:539-51. Review.
- Dietel M: The histological diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. Is there a need to simplify? Virchows Arch. 2001;439:604-8. Review.
- Kristiansen G, Yu Y, Petersen S, Kaufmann O, Schluns K, Dietel M, Petersen I: Overexpression of c-erbB2 protein correlates with disease-stage and chromosomal gain at the c-erbB2 locus in non-small cell lung cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2001; 37:1089-95.
- Stein U, Lage H, Jordan A, Walther W, Bates SE, Litman T, Hohenberger P, Dietel M: Impact of BCRP/MXR, MRP1 and MDR1/P-Glycoprotein on thermoresistant variants of atypical and classical multidrug resistant cancer cells. Int J Cancer. 2002, 20;937:751-60.
- Holm PS, Bergamnn S, Juerchott K, Lage H, Brand K, Ladhoff A, Mantwill K, Curiel DT, Dobbelstein M, Dietel M, Gaensbacher, B, Royer HD: YB-1 relocates to the nucleus in adenovirus infected cells and facilitates viral replication by inducing E2 gene expression through the E2 late promoter. J Biol Chem. 2002; 277: 10427-34
- Kaufmann O, Fietze E, Mengs J, Dietel M: Value of p63 and cytokeratin 5/6 as immunohistochemical markers for the differential diagnosis of poorly differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas. Am J Clin Path 2001: 116, 823-830
- Swidsinski A, Ladhoff A, Pernthaler A, Swidsinski S, Loening-Baucke V, Ortner M, Weber J, Hoffmann U, Schreiber S, Dietel M, Lochs H: Mucosal flora in inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology. 2002;122:44-54.
- Knosel T, Yu Y, Stein U, Schwabe H, Schluns K, Schlag PM, Dietel M, Petersen I: Overexpression of c-erbB-2 protein correlates with chromosomal gain at the c-erbB-2 locus and patient survival in advanced colorectal carcinomas. Clin Exp Metastasis. 2002;19:401-7.
- Ortner MA, Zumbusch K, Liebetruth J, Ebert B, Fleige B, Dietel M, Lochs H: Is Topical delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Adequate for Photodynamic Therapy in Barrett’s Esophagus? A Pilot Study. Endoscopy. 2002;34:611-6.
- Hauptmann S, Denkert C, Koch I, Petersen S, Schluns K, Reles A, Dietel M, Petersen I: Genetic alterations in epithelial ovarian tumors analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization. Hum Pathol. 2002;33:632-41.
- Lage H, Dietel M: Multiple mechanisms confer different drug-resistant phenotypes in pancreatic carcinoma cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2002;128:349-57.
- Kristiansen G, Schluns K, Yongwei Y, Dietel M, Petersen I: CD10 expression in non-small cell lung cancer. Anal Cell Pathol. 2002;24:41-6.
- Kaufmann O, Fietze E, Dietel M: Immunohistochemical diagnosis in cancer metastasis of unknown primary tumor. Pathologe. 2002;23:183-97.
- Waiser J., Schwaar S, Bohler T, Rudolph B, Dell K, Budde K, Dietel M, Neumayer HH: Immunohistochemical double-staining of renal allograft tissue: critical assessment of three different protocols. Virchows Arch. 2002;440:648-54. Review.
- Knösel T, Petersen S, Schwabe H, Schlüns K, Stein U, Schlag PM, Dietel M, Petersen I: Incidence of chromosomal imbalances in advanced colorectal carcinomas and their metastases. Virchows Arch. 2002; 440:187-94.
- Hufnagl P, Schrader T; Schlüns K Kayser K, Dietel M: Telepathologie, Onkologe 2003, 9: 29-36
- Knosel T, Schluns K, Stein U, Schwabe H, Schlag PM, Dietel M, Petersen I: Genetic imbalances with impact on survival in colorectal cancer patients. Histopathology. 2003;43:323-31.
- Kristiansen G, Winzer KJ, Mayordomo E, Bellach J, Schluns K, Denkert C, Dahl E, Pilarsky C, Altevogt P, Guski H, Dietel M: Expression is a new prognostic marker in breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2003 Oct 15;9(13):4906-13.
- Kristiansen G, Yu Y, Schluns K, Sers C, Dietel M, Petersen I: Expression of the cell adhesion molecule CD146/MCAM in non-small cell lung cancer. Anal Cell Pathol. 2003;25:77-81.
- Kristiansen G, Schluns K, Yongwei Y, Denkert C, Dietel M, Petersen I: CD24 is an independent prognostic marker of survival in nonsmall cell lung cancer patients. Br J Cancer. 2003;88:231-6.
- Jurchott K, Bergmann S, Stein U, Walther W, Janz M, Manni I, Piaggio G, Fietze E, Dietel M, Royer HD.: YB-1 as a cell cycle-regulated transcription factor facilitating cyclin A and cyclin B1 gene expression. J Biol Chem. 2003;278:27988-96.
- Weichert W, Gekeler V, Denkert C, Dietel M: Hauptmann SRelated Articles, Protein kinase C isoform expression in ovarian carcinoma correlates with indicators of poor prognosis. Int J Oncol. 2003;23:633-9.
- Tinschert S, Stein A, Goldner B, Dietel M, Happle R: Melorheostosis with ipsilateral nevus sebaceus (didymosis melorheosebacea). Eur J Dermatol. 2003;13:21-4.
- Ortner MA, Ebert B, Hein E, Zumbusch K, Nolte D, Sukowski U, Weber-Eibel J, Fleige B, Dietel M, Stolte M, Oberhuber G, Porschen R, Klump B, Hortnagl H, Lochs H, Rinneberg H: Time gated fluorescence spectroscopy in Barrett’s oesophagus. Gut. 2003 :52:28-33.
- Kristiansen G, Pilarsky C, Wissmann C, Stephan C, Weissbach L, Loy V, Loening S, Dietel M, Rosenthal A: ALCAM/CD166 is up-regulated in low-grade prostate cancer and progressively lost in high-grade lesions. Prostate. 2003: 54:34-43.
- Dahl E, Sadr-Nabavi A, Klopocki E, Betz B, Grube S, Kreutzfeld R, Himmelfarb M, An HX, Gelling S, Klaman I, Hinzmann B, Kristiansen G, Grutzmann R, Kuner R, Petschke B, Rhiem K, Wiechen K, Sers C, Wiestler O, Schneider A, Hofler H, Nahrig J, Dietel M, Schafer R, Rosenthal A, Schmutzler R, Durst M, Meindl A, Niederacher D: Systematic identification and molecular characterization of genes differentially expressed in breast and ovarian cancer. J Pathol. 2004;205:21-28
- Kristiansen G, Pilarsky C, Wissmann C, Kaiser S, Bruemmendorf T, Roepcke S, Dahl E, Hinzmann B, Specht T, Pervan J, Stephan C, Loening S, Dietel M, Rosenthal A: Expression profiling of microdissected matched prostate cancer samples reveals CD166/MEMD and CD24 as new prognostic markers for patient survival. J Pathol. 2005;205:359-76;
- Luftner D, Genvresse I, Geppert R, Kaufmann O, Dietel M, Possinger K: Lack of HER-2/neu overexpression in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Anticancer Res. 2004;24:3233-7.
- Weichert W, Knosel T, Bellach J, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: ALCAM/CD166 is overexpressed in colorectal carcinoma and correlates with shortened patient survival. J Clin Pathol. 2004; 57:1160-4.
- Xu C, Jung M, Burkhardt M, Stephan C, Schnorr D, Loening S, Jung K, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Increased CD59 protein expression predicts a PSA relapse in patients after radical prostatectomy. Prostate. 2004 Jun 25
- Glanemann M, Munchow S, Schirmeier A, Al-Abadi H, Lippek F, Langrehr JM, Dietel M, Neuhaus P, Nussler AK: Steroid administration before partial hepatectomy with temporary inflow occlusion does not influence cyclin D1 and Ki-67 related liver regeneration. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2004;389:380-6.
- Denkert C, Weichert W, Winzer KJ, Muller BM, Noske A, Niesporek S, Kristiansen G, Guski H, Dietel M, Hauptmann S: Expression of the ELAV-like protein HuR is associated with higher tumor grade and increased cyclooxygenase-2 expression in human breast carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2004;10: 5580-6.
- Jacob J, Bellach J, Grutzmann R, Alldinger I, Pilarsky C, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Expression of CD24 in adenocarcinomas of the pancreas correlates with higher tumor grades. Pancreatology. 2004;4:454-60.
- Krenn V, Petersen I, Haupl T, Koepenik A, Blind C, Dietel M, Konthur Z, Skriner K: Array technology and proteomics in autoimmune diseases. Pathol Res Pract. 2004;200:95-103.
- Knosel T, Schewe C, Dietel M, Petersen I: Cytomegalovirus is not associated with progression and metastasis of colorectal cancer. Cancer Lett. 2004;211:243-7.
- Weichert W, Schmidt M, Gekeler V, Denkert C, Stephan C, Jung K, Loening S, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Polo-like kinase 1 is overexpressed in prostate cancer and linked to higher tumor grades. Prostate. 2004;60:240-5.
- Sehouli J, Drescher FS, Mustea A, Elling D, Friedmann W, Kuhn W, Nehmzow M, Opri F, Klare P, Dietel M: Lichtenegger WvGranulosa cell tumor of the ovary: 10 years follow-up data of 65 patients. Anticancer Res. 2004;24:1223-9.
- Kohler F, Fotuhi P, Schierbaum C, Dietel M, Baumann G, Lange M, Asser T: Telemedicine/e-Health in Estonia. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2004;129 Suppl 1:S17-20.
- Knosel T, Schluns K, Stein U, Schwabe H, Schlag PM, Dietel M, Petersen I: Chromosomal alterations during lymphatic and liver metastasis formation of colorectal cancer. Neoplasia. 2004;6:23-8.
- Weichert W, Denkert C, Schmidt M, Gekeler V, Wolf G, Kobel M, Dietel M, Hauptmann S: Polo-like kinase isoform expression is a prognostic factor in ovarian carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 2004;90: 815-21.
- Glanemann M, Strenziok R, Kuntze R, Munchow S, Dikopoulos N, Lippek F, Langrehr JM, Dietel M, Neuhaus P, Nussler AK: Ischemic preconditioning and methylprednisolone both equally reduce hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury. Surgery. 2004;135:203-14.
- Holm PS, Lage H, Bergmann S, Jurchott K, Glockzin G, Bernshausen A, Mantwill K, Ladhoff A, Wichert A, Mymryk JS, Ritter T, Dietel M: Gansbacher B, Royer HD. Multidrug-resistant cancer cells facilitate E1-independent adenoviral replication: impact for cancer gene therapy. Cancer Res. 2004:64:322-8.
- Denkert C, Weichert W, Pest S, Koch I, Licht D, Kobel M, Reles A, Sehouli J, Dietel M, Hauptmann S: Overexpression of the embryonic-lethal abnormal vision-like protein HuR in ovarian carcinoma is a prognostic factor and is associated with increased cyclooxygenase 2 expression. Cancer Res. 2004;64:189-95.
- Knosel T, Yu Y, Stein U, Schwabe H, Schluns K, Schlag PM, Dietel M, Petersen I: Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 correlates with chromosomal gain at the cyclooxygenase-2 locus and decreased patient survival in advanced colorectal carcinomas. Dis Colon Rectum. 2004;47:70-7.
- Kristiansen G, Pilarsky C, Pervan J, Sturzebecher B, Stephan C, Jung K, Loening S, Rosenthal A, Dietel M: CD24 expression is a significant predictor of PSA relapse and poor prognosis in low grade or organ confined prostate cancer. Prostate. 2004;58:183-92
- Niesporek S, Denkert C, Weichert W, Kobel M, Noske A, Sehouli J, Singer JW, Dietel M, Hauptmann S: Expression of lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase beta (LPAAT-beta) in ovarian carcinoma: correlation with tumour grading and prognosis. Br J Cancer. 2005 Apr 19
- Lu BJ, Lai MD, Dietel M: An overview of the Sino-German symposium on new developments in surgical and basic pathology. Virchows Arch. 2005 Apr 12
- Weichert W, Kristiansen G, Winzer KJ, Schmidt M, Gekeler V, Noske A, Muller BM, Niesporek S, Dietel M, Denkert C: Polo-like kinase isoforms in breast cancer: expression patterns and prognostic implications. Virchows Arch. 2005 Mar 23;]
- Noske A, Denkert C, Schober H, Sers C, Zhumabayeva B, Weichert W, Dietel M, Wiechen K: Loss of Gelsolin expression in human ovarian carcinomas. Eur J Cancer. 2005 Feb;41:461-9.
- Dietel M, Lewis MA, Shapiro S: Hormone replacement therapy: pathobiological aspects of hormone-sensitive cancers in women relevant to epidemiological studies on HRT: a mini-review. Hum Reprod. 2005 Aug;20(8):2052-2060
- Weichert W, Denkert C, Gauruder-Burmester A, Kurzeja R, Hamm B, Dietel M, Kroencke TJ: Uterine arterial embolization with tris-acryl gelatin microspheres: a histopathologic evaluation. Am J Surg Pathol. 2005 Jul;29(7):955-61.
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Denkert C, Kaplenko I, Spaczynski M, Dietel M, Zabel M, Lage H: Significance of cyclooxygenase 2 and MDR1/P-glycoprotein coexpression in ovarian cancers. Cancer Lett. 2005 Jun 18;
- Weichert W, Schmidt M, Jacob J, Gekeler V, Langrehr J, Neuhaus P, Bahra M, Denkert C, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Overexpression of Polo-like kinase 1 is a common and early event in pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology. 2005;5(2-3):259-65. Epub 2005
- Schewe C, Goldmann T, Grosser M, Zink A, Schluns K, Pahl S, Ulrichs T, Kaufmann SH, Nerlich A, Baretton GB, Dietel M, Vollmer E, Petersen I: Inter-laboratory validation of PCR-based detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Virchows Arch. 2005 Jun 21;
- Bergmann S, Royer-Pokora B, Fietze E, Jurchott K, Hildebrandt B, Trost D, Leenders F, Claude JC, Theuring F, Bargou R, Dietel M, Royer HD: YB-1 provokes breast cancer through the induction of chromosomal instability that emerges from mitotic failure and centrosome amplification. Cancer Res. 2005 May 15;65(10):4078-87
- Korinth D, Pacyna-Gengelbach M, Deutschmann N, Hattenberger S, Bockmuhl U, Dietel M, Schroeder HG, Donhuijsen K, Petersen I: Chromosomal imbalances in wood dust-related adenocarcinomas of the inner nose and their associations with pathological parameters. J Pathol. 2005 Jul 22;
- Horn LC, Dietel M, Einenkel J: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and endometrial morphology under consideration of the different molecular pathways in endometrial carcinogenesis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2005 May 28;
- Dahl E, Sadr-Nabavi A, Klopocki E, Betz B, Grube S, Kreutzfeld R, Himmelfarb M, An HX, Gelling S, Klaman I, Hinzmann B, Kristiansen G, Grutzmann R, Kuner R, Petschke B, Rhiem K, Wiechen K, Sers C, Wiestler O, Schneider A, Hofler H, Nahrig J, Dietel M, Schafer R, Rosenthal A, Schmutzler R, Durst M, Meindl A, Niederacher D: Systematic identification and molecular characterization of genes differentially expressed in breast and ovarian cancer. J Pathol. 2005 Jan;205(1):21-8.
- Xu C, Jung M, Burkhardt M, Stephan C, Schnorr D, Loening S, Jung K, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Links Increased CD59 protein expression predicts a PSA relapse in patients after radical prostatectomy. Prostate. 2005 Feb 15;62(3):224-32.
- Kristiansen G, Pilarsky C, Wissmann C, Kaiser S, Bruemmendorf T, Roepcke S, Dahl E, Hinzmann B, Specht T, Pervan J, Stephan C, Loening S, Dietel M, Rosenthal A: Expression profiling of microdissected matched prostate cancer samples reveals CD166/MEMD and CD24 as new prognostic markers for patient survival. J Pathol. 2005 Feb;205(3):359-76.
- Gyorffy B, Serra V, Jurchott K, Abdul-Ghani R, Garber M, Stein U, Petersen I, Lage H, Dietel M, Schafer R: Prediction of doxorubicin sensitivity in breast tumors based on gene expression profiles of drug-resistant cell lines correlates with patient survival. Oncogene. 2005; 24:7542-51
- Abdul-Ghani R, Serra V, Gyorffy B, Jurchott K, Solf A, Dietel M, Schafer R: The PI3K inhibitor LY294002 blocks drug export from resistant colon carcinoma cells overexpressing MRP1. Oncogene. 2005 Nov 14;
- Weichert W, Kristiansen G, Schmidt M, Gekeler V, Noske A, Niesporek S, Dietel M, Denkert C: Polo-like kinase 1 expression is a prognostic factor in human colon cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2005;11: 5644-50.
- Knosel T, Emde A, Schluns K, Chen Y, Jurchott K, Krause M, Dietel M, Petersen I: Immunoprofiles of 11 biomarkers using tissue microarrays identify prognostic subgroups in colorectal cancer. Neoplasia. 2005, 7:741-7.
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Matkowski R, Szczuraszek K, Kornafel J, Wojnar A, Pudelko M, Dietel M, Denkert C, Zabel M, Lage H: Relationship between the expression of cyclooxygenase 2 and MDR1/P-glycoprotein in invasive breast cancers and their prognostic significance. Breast Cancer Res. 2005;7: R862-70.
- Weichert W, Denkert C, Burkhardt M, Gansukh T, Bellach J, Altevogt P, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Cytoplasmic CD24 expression in colorectal cancer independently correlates with shortened patient survival. Clin Cancer Res. 2005;11:6574-81.
- Korinth D, Pacyna-Gengelbach M, Deutschmann N, Hattenberger S, Bockmuhl U, Dietel M, Schroeder HG, Donhuijsen K, Petersen I: Chromosomal imbalances in wood dust-related adenocarcinomas of the inner nose and their associations with pathological parameters. J Pathol. 2005;207:207-15.
- Sehouli J., Stupin jH, Schlieper U, Kümmel S, Henrich W, Dietel W, Lichtenegger W: Actinomycotic inflammatory disease and misdiagnosis of ovarian cancer: A case report. Anticancer Research 26: 1727-1723, 2006
- Gyorffy B, Surowiak P, Kiesslich O, Denkert C, Schafer R, Dietel M, Lage H: Gene expression profiling of 30 cancer cell lines predicts resistance towards 11 anticancer drugs at clinically achieved concentrations. Int J Cancer. 2006;118:1699-712.
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Maciejczyk A, Pudelko M, Markwitz E, Spaczynski M, Dietel M, Zabel M, Lage H: Nuclear metallothionein expression correlates with cisplatin resistance of ovarian cancer cells and poor clinical outcome. Virchows Archiv 2007 Jan 19.
- Materna V, Surowiak P, Kaplenko I, Spaczynski M, Duan Z, Zabel M, Dietel M, Lage H: Taxol-resistance-associated-gene-3 (TRAG-3/CSAG2) expression is predictive for clinical outcome in ovarian carcinoma patients. Virchows Arch 2007 Jan 10
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Maciejczyk A, Kaplenko I, Spaczynski M, Dietel M, Lage H, Zabel M: CD46 expression is indicative of shorter revival-free survival for ovarian cancer patients. Anticancer Res. 2006 Nov-Dec;26(6C):4943-8.
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Kaplenko I, Spaczynski M, Dolinska-Krajewska B, Gebarowska E, Dietel M, Zabel M, Lage H: ABCC2 (MRP2, cMOAT) can be localized in the nuclear membrane of ovarian carcinomas and correlates with resistance to cisplatin and clinical outcome. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Dec 1;12(23):7149-58.
- Fritzsche FR, Kristiansen G, Boesl A, Burkhardt M, Pahl S, Dankof A, Dietel M, Dahl E: Tissue pretreatment with formic acid might lower HercepTest scores in breast cancer. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2006 Dec;15(4):237-42.
- Denkert C, Budczies J, Kind T, Weichert W, Tablack P, Sehouli J, Niesporek S, Konsgen D, Dietel M, Fiehn O: Mass spectrometry-based metabolic profiling reveals different metabolite patterns in invasive ovarian carcinomas and ovarian borderline tumors. Cancer Res. 2006 Nov 15;66(22):10795-804.
- Fritzsche FR, Jung M, Xu C, Rabien A, Schicktanz H, Stephan C, Dietel M, Jung K, Kristiansen G: ADAM8 expression in prostate cancer is associated with parameters of unfavorable prognosis. Virchows Arch. 2006 Dec;449(6):628-36.
- Schrader T, Niepage S, Leuthold T, Saeger K, Schluns K, Hufnagl P, Kayser K, Dietel M: The diagnostic path, a useful visualisation tool in virtual microscopy. Diagn Pathol. 2006 Nov 8;1:40.
- Kristiansen G, Jacob J, Buckendahl AC, Grutzmann R, Alldinger I, Sipos B, Kloppel G, Bahra M, Langrehr JM, Neuhaus P, Dietel M, Pilarsky C: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma is highly expressed in pancreatic cancer and is associated with shorter overall survival times. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Nov 1;12(21):6444-51.
- Surowiak P, Drag M, Materna V, Suchocki S, Grzywa R, Spaczynski M, Dietel M, Oleksyszyn J, Zabel M, Lage H: Expression of aminopeptidase N/CD13 in human ovarian cancers. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2006 Sep-Oct;16(5):1783-8.
- Fritzsche FR, Pahl S, Petersen I, Burkhardt M, Dankof A, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Anaplastic large-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the breast in periprosthetic localisation 32 years after treatment for primary breast cancer-a case report. Virchows Arch. 2006;449:561-4.
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Gyorffy B, Matkowski R, Wojnar A, Maciejczyk A, Paluchowski P, Dziegiel P, Pudelko M, Kornafel J, Dietel M, Kristiansen G, Zabel M, Lage H: Multivariate analysis of oestrogen receptor alpha, pS2, metallothionein and CD24 expression in invasive breast cancers. Br J Cancer. 2006;95:339-46.
- Gyorffy A, Vasarhelyi B, Szoke D, Dietel M, Tulassay T, Gyorffy B: Comparative promoter analysis of doxorubicin resistance-associated genes suggests E47 as a key regulatory element. Anticancer Res. 2006;26:2971-6.
- Fritzsche FR, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Flat epithelial neoplasia and other columnar cell lesions of the breast. Pathologe. 2006;27:381-6.
- Krukemeyer MG, V D Driesch C, Dankof A, Krenn V, Hansen D, Dietel M: [Necessity of increasing autopsy frequency following the introduction of DRGs. Pathologe. 2007; 28: 294-298.
- Denkert C, Koch I, von Keyserlingk N, Noske A, Niesporek S, Dietel M, Weichert W: Expression of the ELAV-like protein HuR in human colon cancer: association with tumor stage and cyclooxygenase-2. Mod Pathol. 2006;19:1261-9.
- Dietel M: Können Östrogen Mammakarzinome initiieren? Frauenarzt, 47 :435-439
- Dietel M, Sers C: Personalized medicine and development of targeted therapies: The upcoming challenge for diagnostic molecular pathology. A review. Virchows Arch. 2006;448: 744-55. Review.
- Surowiak P, Materna V, Kaplenko I, Spaczynski M, Dietel M, Kristiansen G, Lage H, Zabel M: Unfavourable prognostic value of CD24 expression in sections from primary and relapsed ovarian cancer tissue. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2006;16:515-21.
Weichert W, Boehm M, Gekeler V, Bahra M, Langrehr J, Neuhaus P, Denkert C, Imre G, Weller C, Hofmann HP, Niesporek S, Jacob J, Dietel M, Scheidereit C, Kristiansen G: High expression of RelA/p65 is associated with activation of nuclear factor-kappaB-dependent signaling in pancreatic cancer and marks a patient population with poor. prognosis. Br J Cancer. 2007 Jul 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Petersen I, Schewe C, Schluns K, Dietel M, Speich N, Schmitt C, Bollmann M, Sotlar K, Bultmann B, Dours-Zimmermann MT, Padberg B, Zimmermann DR: Inter-laboratory validation of PCR-based HPV detection in pathology specimens. Virchows Arch. 2007 Jul 10; [Epub ahead of print]
Dietel M: Predictive pathology of cytostatic drug resistance and new anti-cancer targets.
Recent Results Cancer Res. 2007;176:25-32. -
Petersen I, Blind C, Koepenik A, Dietel M, Krenn V: iCon-TMA((R)) for control and quantitation of immunohistochemistry and in situ molecular pathology analysis. Pathol Res Pract. 2007 Jun 20;
Dietel M: Predictive medicine: incipient reality or fata morgana? J Pathol. 2007,15;12:353-355
Dietel M, Ellis IO, Hofler H, Kreipe H, Moch H, Dankof A, Kolble K, Kristiansen G: Comparison of automated silver enhanced in situ hybridisation (SISH) and fluorescence ISH (FISH) for the validation of HER2 gene status in breast carcinoma according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the College of American Pathologists. Virchows Arch. 2007; 451:19-25.
- Weichert W, Röske A, Gekeler V, Beckers T, Ebert MP, Pross M, Dietel M, Denkert C, Röcken C: Association of patterns of class I histone deacetylase expression with patient prognosis in gastric cancer: a retrospective analysis. Lancet Oncol. 2008; 9:139-48
- Dietel M. Pathology: The need for change. Pathologe. 2008; 29: 97-9.
- Dietel M, A. Tannapfel, G. Baretton, H. Kreipe, M. Kloor, H. Gabbert und T. Kichner: Molekularpathologische Analyse des K-RAS-Mutationsstatus beim metastasierten kolorektalen Karzinom – Ein Beispiel prädiktiver Pathologie. Der Onkologe, 2008, online publ. März
- Darb-Esfahani S, Faggad A, Noske A, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Müller B, Budczies J, Röske A, Dietel M, Denkert C: Phospho-mTOR and phospho-4EBP1 in endometrial adenocarcinoma: association with stage and grade in vivo and link with response to rapamycin treatment in vitro. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2009;135:933-41
- Fritzsche FR, Weichert W, Röske A, Gekeler V, Beckers T, Stephan C, Jung K, Scholman K, Denkert C, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Class I histone deacetylases 1, 2 and 3 are highly expressed in renal cell cancer. BMC Cancer. 2008 Dec 19;8:381
- Surowiak P, Pawe?czyk K, Maciejczyk A, Pude?ko M, Ko?odziej J, Zabel M, Murawa D, Drag M, Gansukh T, Dietel M, Lage H: Positive correlation between cyclooxygenase 2 and the expression of ABC transporters in non-small cell lung cancer. Anticancer Res. 2008 Sep-Oct;28(5B):2967-74.
- Noske A, Lindenberg JL, Darb-Esfahani S, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Röske A, Sehouli J, Dietel M, Denkert C: Activation of mTOR in a subgroup of ovarian carcinomas: correlation with p-eIF-4E and prognosis. Oncol Rep. 2008 Dec;20(6):1409-17.
- Fritzsche FR, Riener MO, Dietel M, Moch H, Jung K, Kristiansen G: GOLPH2 expression in renal cell cancer. BMC Urol. 2008 Nov 11;8:15.
- Walther W, Siegel R, Kobelt D, Knösel T, Dietel M, Bembenek A, Aumann J, Schleef M, Baier R, Stein U, Schlag PM: Novel jet-injection technology for nonviral intratumoral gene transfer in patients with melanoma and breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2008;14:7545-53.
- Dietel M: Post-mortems with organ and tissue retention Z Evid. Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes. 2008;102:189-93;
- Nitta H, Hauss-Wegrzyniak B, Lehrkamp M, Murillo AE, Gaire F, Farrell M, Walk E, Penault-Llorca F, Kurosumi M, Dietel M, Wang L, Loftus M, Pettay J, Tubbs RR, Grogan TM: Development of automated brightfield double In Situ hybridization (BDISH) application for HER2 gene and chromosome 17 centromere (CEN 17) for breast carcinomas and an assay performance comparison to manual dual color HER2 fluorescence In Situ hybridization (FISH). Diagn Pathol. 2008;3:41.
- Denkert C, Budczies J, Weichert W, Wohlgemuth G, Scholz M, Kind T, Niesporek S, Noske A, Buckendahl A, Dietel M, Fiehn O: Metabolite profiling of human colon carcinoma–deregulation of TCA cycle and amino acid turnover. Mol Cancer. 2008 Sep 18;7:72.
- Dietel M, Schäfer R: Systems pathology–or how to solve the complex problem of predictive pathology. Virchows Arch. 2008 Oct;453(4):309-12. Epub 2008 Sep 13. Review.
- Kristiansen G, Fritzsche FR, Wassermann K, Jäger C, Tölls A, Lein M, Stephan C, Jung K, Pilarsky C, Dietel M, Moch H: GOLPH2 protein expression as a novel tissue biomarker for prostate cancer: implications for tissue-based diagnostics. Br J Cancer. 2008;99:939-48.
- Weichert W, Denkert C, Noske A, Darb-Esfahani S, Dietel M, Kalloger SE, Huntsman DG, Köbel M: Expression of class I histone deacetylases indicates poor prognosis in endometrioid subtypes of ovarian and endometrial carcinomas. Neoplasia. 2008;10:1021-7.
- Gunia S, May M, Scholmann K, Störkel S, Hoschke B, Koch S, Dietel M, Kristiansen G: Expression of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase correlates with histopathologic grading in noninvasive bladder cancer. Virchows Arch. 2008;453:165-70.
- Fritzsche FR, Wassermann K, Rabien A, Schicktanz H, Dankof A, Loening SA, Dietel M, Jung K, Kristiansen G: CD146 protein in prostate cancer: revisited with two different antibodies. Pathology. 2008;40:457-64.
- Fritzsche FR, Wassermann K, Jung M, Tölle A, Kristiansen I, Lein M, Johannsen M, Dietel M, Jung K, Kristiansen G: ADAM9 is highly expressed in renal cell cancer and is associated with tumour progression. BMC Cancer. 2008;8:179.
- Rabien A, Fritzsche F, Jung M, Diamandis EP, Loening SA, Dietel M, Jung K, Stephan C, Kristiansen G: High expression of KLK14 in prostatic adenocarcinoma is associated with elevated risk of prostate-specific antigen relapse. Tumour Biol. 2008;29:1-8.
- Dietel M, Tannapfel A, Baretton G, Kreipe H, Kloor M, Gabbert H, Kirchner T: Molecular pathologic KRAS mutation analysis. A prerequisite of effective antibody treatment for metastasized colorectal cancer. Chirurg. 2008;79:576-9.
- Weichert W, Röske A, Niesporek S, Noske A, Buckendahl AC, Dietel M, Gekeler V, Boehm M, Beckers T, Denkert C: Class I histone deacetylase expression has independent prognostic impact in human colorectal cancer: specific role of class I histone deacetylases in vitro and in vivo. Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 14: 1669-77.
- Faggad A, Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz R, Sinn B, Sehouli J, Könsgen D, Lage H, Weichert W, Noske A, Budczies J, Müller BM, Buckendahl AC, Röske A, Eldin Elwali N, Dietel M, Denkert C: Topoisomerase IIalpha mRNA and protein expression in ovarian carcinoma: correlation with clinicopathological factors and prognosis. Mod Pathol. 2009 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- Siegel R, Burock S, Wernecke KD, Kretzschmar A, Dietel M, Loy V, Koswig S, Budach V, Schlag PM: Preoperative short-course radiotherapy versus combined radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer: a multi-centre prospectively randomised study of the Berlin Cancer Society. BMC Cancer. 2009 Feb 6;9:50.
- Knösel T, Schewe C, Petersen N, Dietel M, Petersen I: Prevalence of infectious pathogens in Crohn’s disease. Pathol Res Pract. 2009 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print]
- Petersen I, Kotb WF, Friedrich KH, Schlüns K, Böcking A, Dietel M: Core classification of lung cancer: Correlating nuclear size and mitoses with ploidy and clinicopathological parameters. Lung Cancer. 2009 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print]
- Weichert W, Schewe C, Denkert C, Morawietz L, Dietel M, Petersen I: Molecular HPV Typing as a Diagnostic Tool to Discriminate Primary From Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009;33:513-20.
- Faggad A, Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz R, Sinn B, Sehouli J, Könsgen D, Lage H, Noske A, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Budczies J, Müller BM, Elwali NE, Dietel M, Denkert C: Expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 in invasive ovarian carcinoma: implication for prognosis. Histopathology. 2009;54:657-66.
- Noske A, Faggad A, Wirtz R, Darb-Esfahani S, Sehouli J, Sinn B, Nielsen FC, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Röske A, Müller B, Dietel M, Denkert C: IMP3 expression in human ovarian cancer is associated with improved survival. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2009;28:203-10.
- Eckstein N, Servan K, Hildebrandt B, Pölitz A, von Jonquières G, Wolf-Kümmeth S, Napierski I, Hamacher A, Kassack MU, Budczies J, Beier M, Dietel M, Royer-Pokora B, Denkert C, Royer HD: Hyperactivation of the insulin-like growth factor receptor I signaling pathway is an essential event for cisplatin resistance of ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Res. 2009;69:2996-3003.
- Gunia S, Koch S, May M, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A: Expression of prostatic acid phosphatase (PSAP) in transurethral resection specimens of the prostate is predictive of histopathologic tumor stage in subsequent radical prostatectomies. Virchows Arch. 2009;454:573-9.
- Denkert C, Budczies J, Darb-Esfahani S, Györffy B, Sehouli J, Könsgen D, Zeillinger R, Weichert W, Noske A, Buckendahl AC, Müller BM, Dietel M, Lage H: A prognostic gene expression index in ovarian cancer – validation across different independent data sets. J Pathol. 2009:218:273-80.
- Gunia S, May M, Koch S, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A: Expression of CD44s in incidental prostate cancer is more strongly associated with Gleason scores on subsequent radical prostatectomies than conventional prognostic parameters. Pathobiology. 2009;76:286-92.
- Gunia S, May M, Koch S, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A: MUC1 Expression in Incidental Prostate Cancer Predicts Staging and Grading on the Subsequent Radical Prostatectomy. Pathol Oncol Res. 2009 . [Epub ahead of print]
- Lehmann A, Denkert C, Budczies J, Buckendahl AC, Darb-Esfahani S, Noske A, Müller BM, Bahra M, Neuhaus P, Dietel M, Kristiansen G, Weichert W: High class I HDAC activity and expression are associated with RelA/p65 activation in pancreatic cancer in vitro and in vivo. BMC Cancer. 2009 13; 9:395
- Sinn BV, Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz RM, Faggad A, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Noske A, Müller BM, Budczies J, Sehouli J, Braicu EI, Dietel M, Denkert C: Vascular endothelial growth factor C mRNA expression is a prognostic factor in epithelial ovarian cancer as detected by kinetic RT-PCR in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Virchows Arch. 2009 Dec;455(6):461-7.
- Szczuraszek K, Materna V, Halon A, Mazur G, Wróbel T, Kuliczkowski K, Maciejczyk A, Zabel M, Drag M, Dietel M, Lage H, Surowiak P: Positive correlation between cyclooxygenase-2 and ABC-transporter expression in non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Oncol Rep. 2009; 22:1315-23.
- Zamagni C, Wirtz RM, De Iaco P, Rosati M, Veltrup E, Rosati F, Capizzi E, Cacciari N, Alboni C, Bernardi A, Massari F, Quercia S, D’Errico Grigioni A, Dietel M, Sehouli J, Denkert C, Martoni AA: Oestrogen receptor 1 mRNA is a prognostic factor in ovarian cancer patients treated with neo-adjuvant chemotherapy: determination by array and kinetic PCR in fresh tissue biopsies. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2009;16:1241-9.
- Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz RM, Sinn BV, Budczies J, Noske A, Weichert W, Faggad A, Scharff S, Sehouli J, Oskay-Ozcelik G, Zamagni C, De Iaco P, Martoni A, Dietel M, Denkert C: Estrogen receptor 1 mRNA is a prognostic factor in ovarian carcinoma: determination by kinetic PCR in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2009;16:1229-39.
- Kempkensteffen C, Fritzsche FR, Johannsen M, Weikert S, Hinz S, Dietel M, Riener MO, Moch H, Jung K, Krause H, Miller K, Kristiansen G: Down-regulation of the pro-apoptotic XIAP associated factor-1 (XAF1) during progression of clear-cell renal cancer. BMC Cancer. 2009; 9:276.
- Noske A, Faggad A, Wirtz R, Darb-Esfahani S, Sehouli J, Sinn B, Nielsen FC, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Röske A, Müller B, Dietel M, Denkert C: IMP3 expression in human ovarian cancer is associated with improved survival. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2009; 28:203-10.
- Faggad A, Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz R, Sinn B, Sehouli J, Könsgen D, Lage H, Noske A, Weichert W, Buckendahl AC, Budczies J, Müller BM, Elwali NE, Dietel M, Denkert C: Expression of multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 in invasive ovarian carcinoma: implication for prognosis. Histopathology. 2009; 54: 657-66.
- Fritzsche FR, Kristiansen G, Riener MO, Dietel M, Oelrich B: GOLPH2 expression may serve as diagnostic marker in seminomas. BMC Urol. 2010 Feb 25;10(1):4.
- Esgueva R, Perner S, J Lafargue C, Scheble V, Stephan C, Lein M, Fritzsche FR, Dietel M, Kristiansen G, Rubin MA: Prevalence of TMPRSS2-ERG and SLC45A3-ERG gene fusions in a large prostatectomy cohort. Mod Pathol. 2010 Jan 29.
- Morawietz L, Floore A, Stork-Sloots L, Folprecht G, Buettner R, Rieger A, Dietel M, Huebner G: Comparison of histopathological and gene expression-based typing of cancer of unknown primary. Virchows Arch. 2010 Jan;456(1):23-9.
- Weichert W, Schewe C, Lehmann A, Sers C, Denkert C, Budczies J, Stenzinger A, Joos H, Landt O, Heiser V, Röcken C, Dietel M: KRAS genotyping of paraffin-embedded colorectal cancer tissue in routine diagnostics: comparison of methods and impact of histology J Mol Diagn. 2010 Jan;12(1):35-42.
- Dietel M: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), breast cancer and tumor pathology. Maturitas. 2010; 65 :183-9.
- Noske A, Pahl S, Fallenberg E, Richter-Ehrenstein C, Buckendahl AC, Weichert W, Schneider A, Dietel M, Denkert C: Flat epithelial atypia is a common subtype of B3 breast lesions and associated with noninvasive cancer but not with invasive cancer in final excision histology. Hum Pathol.
- Faggad A, Budczies J, Tchernitsa O, Darb-Esfahani S, Sehouli J, Müller BM, Wirtz R, Chekerov R, Weichert W, Sinn B, Mucha C, Elwali NE, Schäfer R, Dietel M, Denkert C: Prognostic significance of Dicer expression in ovarian cancer-link to global microRNA changes and oestrogen receptor expression. J. Pathol. 2010; 220:382-91
- Denkert C, Loibl S, Noske A, Roller M, Müller BM, Komor M, Budczies J, Darb-Esfahani S, Kronenwett R, Hanusch C, von Törne C, Weichert W, Engels K, Solbach C, Schrader I, Dietel M, von Minckwitz G: Tumor-associated lymphocytes as an independent predictor of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28:105-13.
- M. Rosselli Del Turco, A. Ponti, U. Bick, L. Biganzoli, G. Cserni, B. Cutuli, T. Decker, M. Dietel, O. Gentilini, T. Kuehn, M.P. Mano, P. Mantellini, L. Marotti, P. Poortmans, F. Rank, H. Roe, E. Scaffid, J.A. van der Hage, G. Viale, C. Wells, M. Welnicka-Jaskiewicz, Y. Wengstöm and L. Cataliotti. Quality indicators in breast cancer care. European Journal of Cancer, 2010, 46: 2344-2356
- Steiner I, Jung K, Schatz P, Horns T, Wittschieber D, Lein M, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A. Gene promoter methylation and its potential relevance in early prostate cancer diagnosis. Pathobiology. 2010;77:260-6.
- Fritsche-Guenther R, Noske A, Ungethüm U, Kuban RJ, Schlag PM, Tunn PU, Karle J, Krenn V, Dietel M, Sers C De novo expression of EphA2 in osteosarcoma modulates activation of the mitogenic signalling pathway. Histopathology. 2010;57:836-50.
- Pirker R, Herth FJ, Kerr KM, Filipits M, Taron M, Gandara D, Hirsch FR, Grunenwald D, Popper H, Smit E, Dietel M, Marchetti A, Manegold C, Schirmacher P, Thomas M, Rosell R, Cappuzzo F, Stahel R; European EGFR Workshop Group. Consensus for EGFR mutation testing in non-small cell lung cancer: results from a European workshop. J Thorac Oncol. 2010;5: 1706-13.
- Kasajima A, Sers C, Sasano H, Jöhrens K, Stenzinger A, Noske A, Buckendahl AC, Darb-Esfahani S, Müller BM, Budczies J, Lehman A, Dietel M, Denkert C, Weichert W. Down-regulation of the antigen processing machinery is linked to a loss of inflammatory response in colorectal cancer. Hum Pathol. 2010;41:1758-69.
- Kotb WF, Blind C, Friedrich KH, Schewe C, Zhang ZG, Zheng JM, Deutschman N, Pacyna-Gengelbach M, Dietel M, Petersen I. Core classification of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas: correlations between morphology, DNA ploidy and HPV infection. Pathol Res Pract. 2010;206:768-71.
- Del Turco MR, Ponti A, Bick U, Biganzoli L, Cserni G, Cutuli B, Decker T, Dietel M, Gentilini O, Kuehn T, Mano MP, Mantellini P, Marotti L, Poortmans P, Rank F, Roe H, Scaffidi E, van der Hage JA, Viale G, Wells C, Welnicka-Jaskiewicz M, Wengstöm Y, Cataliotti L. Quality indicators in breast cancer care. Eur J Cancer. 2010;46:2344-56.
- Bonin S, Hlubek F, Benhattar J, Denkert C, Dietel M, Fernandez PL, Höfler G, Kothmaier H, Kruslin B, Mazzanti CM, Perren A, Popper H, Scarpa A, Soares P, Stanta G, Groenen PJ. Multicentre validation study of nucleic acids extraction from FFPE tissues. Virchows Arch. 2010;457:309-17.
- Rüschoff J, Dietel M, Baretton G, Arbogast S, Walch A, Monges G, Chenard MP, Penault-Llorca F, Nagelmeier I, Schlake W, Höfler H, Kreipe HH. HER2 diagnostics in gastric cancer-guideline validation and development of standardized immunohistochemical testing. Virchows Arch. 2010;457:299-307.
- Tischler V, Fritzsche FR, Gerhardt J, Jäger C, Stephan C, Jung K, Dietel M, Moch H, Kristiansen G. Comparison of the diagnostic value of fatty acid synthase (FASN) with alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR) as prostatic cancer tissue marker. Histopathology. 2010;56:811-5.
- Darb-Esfahani S, Sinn BV, Weichert W, Budczies J, Lehmann A, Noske A, Buckendahl AC, Müller BM, Sehouli J, Koensgen D, Györffy B, Dietel M, Denkert C. Expression of classical NF-kappaB pathway effectors in human ovarian carcinoma. Histopathology. 2010;56:727-39.
- Kristiansen G, Rose M, Geisler C, Fritzsche FR, Gerhardt J, Lüke C, Ladhoff AM, Knüchel R, Dietel M, Moch H, Varga Z, Theurillat JP, Gorr TA, Dahl E. Endogenous myoglobin in human breast cancer is a hallmark of luminal cancer phenotype. Br J Cancer. 2010; 102: 17 336-45.
- Nazarenko I, Jenny M, Keil J, Gieseler C, Weisshaupt K, Sehouli J, Legewie S, Herbst L, Weichert W, Darb-Esfahani S, Dietel M, Schäfer R, Ueberall F, Sers C. Atypical protein kinase C zeta exhibits a proapoptotic function in ovarian cancer. Mol Cancer Res. 2010;8:919-34.
- Stenzinger A, Weichert W, Hensel M, Bruns H, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A. Incidental postmortem diagnosis of DIPNECH in a patient with previously unexplained ‚asthma bronchiale‘. Pathol Res Pract. 2010; 206: 785-7.
- Nowak-Markwitz E, Maciejczyk A, Pudelko M, Tserenchunt G, Balázs G, Spaczynski M, Zabel M, Dietel M, Lage H, Surowiak P. Influence of tamoxifen on cisplatin-sensitivity and estrogen receptors expression in ovarian carcinoma cell lines. Ginekol Pol. 2010; 81: 183-7.
- Rüschoff J, Nagelmeier I, Baretton G, Dietel M, Höfler H, Schildhaus HU, Büttner R, Schlake W, Stoss O, Kreipe H. Her2 testing in gastric cancer. What is different in comparison to breast cancer? Pathologe. 2010; 31:208-17. German.
- Fritzsche FR, Reineke T, Morawietz L, Kristiansen G, Dietel M, Fink D, Rageth C, Honegger C, Caduff R, Moch H, Varga Z. Pathological processing techniques and final diagnosis of breast cancer sentinel lymph nodes. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010:2892-8.
- Stenzinger A, Klauschen F, Wittschieber D, Weichert W, Denkert C, Dietel M, Roller C. Would Virchow be a systems biologist? A discourse on the philosophy of science with implications for pathological research. Virchows Arch. 2010; 456: 599-607.
- Papouchado BG, Myles J, Lloyd RV, Stoler M, Oliveira AM, Downs-Kelly E, Morey A, Bilous M, Nagle R, Prescott N, Wang L, Dragovich L, McElhinny A, Garcia CF, Ranger-Moore J, Free H, Powell W, Loftus M, Pettay J, Gaire F, Roberts C, Dietel M, Roche P, Grogan T, Tubbs R. Silver in situ hybridization (SISH) for determination of HER2 gene status in breast carcinoma: comparison with FISH and assessment of interobserver reproducibility. Am J Surg Pathol. 2010; 34: 767-76.
- Fritzsche FR, Stephan C, Gerhardt J, Lein M, Hofmann I, Jung K, Dietel M, Kristiansen G. Diagnostic and prognostic value of T-cell receptor gamma alternative reading frame protein (TARP) expression in prostate cancer. Histol Histopathol. 2010;25:733-9.
- Wittschieber D, Schenkenberg S, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A. The significance of chronic prostatitis for the etiopathology of prostate cancer. Urologe A. 2010;49:947-51. Review. German.
- Fritzsche FR, Kristiansen G, Riener MO, Dietel M, Oelrich B. GOLPH2 expression may serve as diagnostic marker in seminomas. BMC Urol. 2010; 10: 4.
- Esgueva R, Perner S, J LaFargue C, Scheble V, Stephan C, Lein M, Fritzsche FR, Dietel M, Kristiansen G, Rubin MA. Prevalence of TMPRSS2-ERG and SLC45A3-ERG gene fusions in a large prostatectomy cohort. Mod Pathol. 2010;23:539-46.
- Morawietz L, Floore A, Stork-Sloots L, Folprecht G, Buettner R, Rieger A, Dietel M, Huebner G. Comparison of histopathological and gene expression-based typing of cancer of unknown primary. Virchows Arch. 2010;456:23-9.
- Weichert W, Schewe C, Lehmann A, Sers C, Denkert C, Budczies J, Stenzinger A, Joos H, Landt O, Heiser V, Röcken C, Dietel M. KRAS genotyping of paraffin-embedded colorectal cancer tissue in routine diagnostics: comparison of methods and impact of histology. J Mol Diagn. 2010;12:35-42.
- Noske A, Pahl S, Fallenberg E, Richter-Ehrenstein C, Buckendahl AC, Weichert W, Schneider A, Dietel M, Denkert C. Flat epithelial atypia is a common subtype of B3 breast lesions and is associated with noninvasive cancer but not with invasive cancer in final excision histology. Hum Pathol. 2010;41:522-7.
- Faggad A, Budczies J, Tchernitsa O, Darb-Esfahani S, Sehouli J, Müller BM, Wirtz R, Chekerov R, Weichert W, Sinn B, Mucha C, Elwali NE, Schäfer R, Dietel M, Denkert C. Prognostic significance of Dicer expression in ovarian cancer-link to global microRNA changes and oestrogen receptor expression. J Pathol. 2010;220:382-91.
- Gunia S, May M, Koch S, Dietel M, Erbersdobler A. MUC1 expression in incidental prostate cancer predicts staging and grading on the subsequent radical prostatectomy. Pathol Oncol Res. 2010;16:371-5.
- Denkert C, Loibl S, Noske A, Roller M, Müller BM, Komor M, Budczies J, Darb-Esfahani S, Kronenwett R, Hanusch C, von Törne C, Weichert W, Engels K, Solbach C, Schrader I, Dietel M, von Minckwitz G. Tumor-associated lymphocytes as an independent predictor of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010;28:105-13.
- Moch H, Blank PR, Dietel M, Elmberger G, Kerr KM, Palacios J, Penault-Llorca F, Rossi G, Szucs TD. Personalized cancer medicine and the future of pathology. Virchows Arch. 2011.
- Sinn BV, Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz RM, Budczies J, Sehouli J, Chekerov R, Dietel M, Denkert C. Evaluation of a hormone receptor-positive ovarian carcinoma subtype with a favourable prognosis by determination of progesterone receptor and oestrogen receptor 1 mRNA expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Histopathology. 2011;59:918-27.
- Brockmöller SF, Bucher E, Müller BM, Budczies J, Hilvo M, Griffin JL, Oresic M, Kallioniemi O, Iljin K, Loibl S, Darb-Esfahani S, Sinn BV, Klauschen F, Prinzler J, Bangemann N, Ismaeel F, Fiehn O, Dietel M, Denkert C. Integration of Metabolomics and Expression of Glycerol-3-phosphate Acyltransferase (GPAM) in Breast Cancer-Link to Patient Survival, Hormone Receptor Status, and Metabolic Profiling. J Proteome Res. 2011.
- Jöhrens K, Dietel M, Anagnostopoulos I. Three different expression patterns of T-bet in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2011
- Noske A, Schwabe M, Weichert W, Darb-Esfahani S, Buckendahl AC, Sehouli J, Braicu EI, Budczies J, Dietel M, Denkert C. An intracellular targeted antibody detects EGFR as an independent prognostic factor in ovarian carcinomas. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:294.
- Dietel M, Schirmacher P. Deficits in the management of patients with adrenocortical carcinoma in Germany. Statements cannot be substantiated. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011 May;108:339; author reply 339-40.
- von Minckwitz G, Müller BM, Loibl S, Budczies J, Hanusch C, Darb-Esfahani S, Hilfrich J, Weiss E, Huober J, Blohmer JU, du Bois A, Zahm DM, Khandan F, Hoffmann G, Gerber B, Eidtmann H, Fend F, Dietel M, Mehta K, Denkert C. Cytoplasmic poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase expression is predictive and prognostic in patients with breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29:2150-7
- Jöhrens K, Franke A, Dietel M, Anagnostopoulos I. The androgen-regulated Calcium-Activated Nucleotidase 1 (CANT1) is commonly overexpressed in prostate cancer and is tumor-biologically relevant in vitro. Am J Pathol. 2011;178(4):1847-60.
- Gerhardt J, Steinbrech C, Büchi O, Behnke S, Bohnert A, Fritzsche F, Liewen H, Stenner F, Wild P, Hermanns T, Müntener M, Dietel M, Jung K, Stephan C, Kristiansen G. The androgen-regulated Calcium-Activated Nucleotidase 1 (CANT1) is commonly overexpressed in prostate cancer and is tumor-biologically relevant in vitro. Am J Pathol. 2011;178:1847-60.
- Budczies J, Weichert W, Noske A, Müller BM, Weller C, Wittenberger T, Hofmann HP, Dietel M, Denkert C, Gekeler V. Genome-wide gene expression profiling of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast cancer core biopsies using microarrays. J Histochem Cytochem. 2011;59:146-57.
- Müller BM, Kronenwett R, Hennig G, Euting H, Weber K, Bohmann K, Weichert W, Altmann G, Roth C, Winzer KJ, Kristiansen G, Petry C, Dietel M, Denkert C. Quantitative determination of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 mRNA in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue–a new option for predictive biomarker assessment in breast cancer. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2011;20:1-10.
- Buckendahl AC, Budczies J, Fiehn O, Darb-Esfahani S, Kind T, Noske A, Weichert W, Sehouli J, Braicu E, Dietel M, Denkert C. Prognostic impact of AMP-activated protein kinase expression in ovarian carcinoma: correlation of protein expression and GC/TOF-MS-based metabolomics. Oncol Rep. 2011;25:1005-12.
- Halon A, Materna V, Drag-Zalesinska M, Nowak-Markwitz E, Gansukh T, Donizy P, Spaczynski M, Zabel M, Dietel M, Lage H, Surowiak P. Estrogen receptor alpha expression in ovarian cancer predicts longer overall survival. Pathol Oncol Res. 2011:511-8.
- Kasajima A, Pavel M, Darb-Esfahani S, Noske A, Stenzinger A, Sasano H, Dietel M, Denkert C, Röcken C, Wiedenmann B, Weichert W. mTOR expression and activity patterns in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2011;18:181-92.
- Penzel R, Sers C, Chen Y, Lehmann-Mühlenhoff U, Merkelbach-Bruse S, Jung A, Kirchner T, Büttner R, Kreipe HH, Petersen I, Dietel M, Schirmacher P. EGFR mutation detection in NSCLC–assessment of diagnostic application and recommendations of the German Panel for Mutation Testing in NSCLC. Virchows Arch. 2011;458:95-8.
- Dietel M. Opening address of the president of the German Society of Pathology. Pathologe. 2011 Nov;32 Suppl 2:156. German. No abstract available.
- Jöhrens K, Franke A, Dietel M, Anagnostopoulos I. Non-neoplastic TdT-positive cells in bone marrow trephines with acute myeloid leukaemia before and after treatment express myeloid molecules. Pathobiology. 2011;78(1):35-40.
- Dietel M, Häfner N, Jansen L, Dürst M, Runnebaum IB. Novel splice variant CAR 4/6 of the coxsackie adenovirus receptor is differentially expressed in cervical carcinogenesis. J Mol Med (Berl). 2011; 89(6):621-30.
- Sinn BV, Darb-Esfahani S, Wirtz RM, Budczies J, Sehouli J, Chekerov R, Dietel M, Denkert C. Evaluation of a hormone receptor-positive ovarian carcinoma subtype with a favourable prognosis by determination of progesterone receptor and oestrogen receptor 1 mRNA expression in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Histopathology. 2011;59:918
- Lehmann A, Schewe C, Hennig G, Denkert C, Weichert W, Budczies J, Dietel M. Applicability of a System for Fully Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction From Formalin-fixed Paraffin-embedded Sections for Routine KRAS Mutation Testing. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2012 May 1.
- Stenzinger A, von Winterfeld M, Aulmann S, Warth A, Weichert W, Denkert C, Rüschoff J, Dietel M, Klauschen F. J Quantitative Analysis of Diagnostic Guidelines for HER2-Status Assessment. Mol Diagn. 2012 May;14(3):199-205.
- Müller BM, Brase JC, Haufe F, Weber KE, Budzies J, Petry C, Prinzler J, Kronenwett R, Dietel M, Denkert C. Comparison of the RNA-based EndoPredict multigene test between core biopsies and corresponding surgical breast cancer sections. J Clin Pathol. 2012 Mar 23.
- Warth A, Penzel R, Brandt R, Sers C, Fischer JR, Thomas M, Herth FJ, Dietel M, Schirmacher P, Bläker H. Optimized algorithm for Sanger sequencing-based EGFR mutation analyses in NSCLC biopsies. Virchows Arch. 2012 Apr;460(4):407-14.
- Stenzinger A, Wittschieber D, von Winterfeld M, Goeppert B, Kamphues C, Weichert W, Dietel M, Rabien A, Klauschen F. High extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer/CD147 expression is strongly and independently associated with poor prognosis in colorectal cancer. Hum Pathol. 2012 Mar 12.
- Stenzinger A, von Winterfeld M, Rabien A, Warth A, Kamphues C, Dietel M, Weichert W, Klauschen F, Wittschieber D. Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motif (RECK) expression: an independent prognostic marker of survival in colorectal cancer. Hum Pathol. 2012 Mar 5.
- Klauschen F, von Winterfeld M, Stenzinger A, Sinn BV, Budczies J, Kamphues C, Bahra M, Wittschieber D, Weichert W, Striefler J, Riess H, Dietel M, Denkert C. High nuclear poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase expression is prognostic of improved survival in pancreatic cancer. Histopathology. 2012 Mar 2.
- Denkert C, Kronenwett R, Schlake W, Bohmann K, Penzel R, Weber KE, Höfler H, Lehmann U, Schirmacher P, Specht K, Rudas M, Kreipe HH, Schraml P, Schlake G, Bago-Horvath Z, Tiecke F, Varga Z, Moch H, Schmidt M, Prinzler J, Kerjaschki D, Sinn BV, Müller BM, Filipits M, Petry C, Dietel M. Decentral gene expression analysis for ER+/Her2- breast cancer: results of a proficiency testing program for the EndoPredict assay. Virchows Arch. 2012 Mar;460(3):251-9.
- Kamphues C, Wittschieber D, Klauschen F, Kasajima A, Dietel M, Schmidt SC, Glanemann M, Bahra M, Neuhaus P, Weichert W, Stenzinger A Prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 protein is a strong prognostic marker in human gastric cancer. Pathobiology 2012;79:11-7.
- Moch H, Blank PR, Dietel M, Elmberger G, Kerr KM, Palacios J, Penault-Llorca F, Rossi G, Szucs TD. Personalized cancer medicine and the future of pathology. Virchows Arch. 2012 Jan;460(1):3-8. Review.
- Brockmöller SF, Bucher E, Müller BM, Budczies J, Hilvo M, Griffin JL, Oresic M, Kallioniemi O, Iljin K, Loibl S, Darb-Esfahani S, Sinn BV, Klauschen F, Prinzler J, Bangemann N, Ismaeel F, Fiehn O, Dietel M, Denkert C. Integration of metabolomics and expression of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAM) in breast cancer-link to patient survival, hormone receptor status, and metabolic profiling. J Proteome Res. 2012 Feb 3;11(2):850-60.
- Jöhrens K, Dietel M, Anagnostopoulos I. Three different expression patterns of T-bet in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2012 Jan;53(1):152-5.
- Klauschen F, Andreeff M, Keilholz U, Dietel M, Stenzinger A. The combinatorial complexity of cancer precision medicine. Oncoscience. 2014;1:504-9. eCollection 2014.
- Denkert C, Pfitzner BM, Heppner BI, Dietel M. Molecular pathology for breast cancer: Importance of the gene expression profile. Pathologe. 2015; 36:145-53.
- Sailer V, Khov Eberhard HL, Stephan C, Wernert N, Perner S, Jung K, Dietel M, Bubendorf L, Kristiansen G. Glutathione S-transferase-pi protein expression in prostate cancer-not always a useful diagnostic tool. Histopathology. 2015 Feb 12.
- Anagnostopoulos I, Lenze D, Hummel M, Dietel M, Jöhrens K. Bone Marrow work-up: report of a pilot study. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2015; 199:95-105.
- Lederer A, Herrmann P, Seehofer D, Dietel M, Pratschke J, Schlag P, Stein U. MACC1 is an independent prognostic biomarker for survival in Klatskin tumor patients. Hepatology. 2015 May 8.
- Schuette W, Schirmacher P, Eberhardt WE, Fischer JR, von der Schulenburg JG, Mezger J, Schumann C, Serke M, Zaun S, Dietel M, Thomas M. EGFR Mutation Status and First-Line Treatment in Patients with Stage III/IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Germany: An Observational Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2015 Jun 12.
- Soysal SD, Kilic IB, Regenbrecht CR, Schneider S, Muenst S, Kilic N, Güth U, Dietel M, Terracciano LM, Kilic E. Status of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) gene in mastopathy predicts subsequent development of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2015 Jun;151(3):709-1
- Lederer A, Herrmann P, Seehofer D, Dietel M, Pratschke J, Schlag P, Stein U. Metastasis-associated in colon cancer 1 is an independent prognostic biomarker for survival in Klatskin tumor patients. Hepatology. 2015 May 8.
- Denkert C, Pfitzner BM, Heppner BI, Dietel M. Molecular pathology for breast cancer: Importance of the gene expression profile. Pathologe. 2015; 36: 145-53.
- Sailer V, Khov Eberhard HL, Stephan C, Wernert N, Perner S, Jung K, Dietel M, Bubendorf L, Kristiansen G. Glutathione S-transferase-pi protein expression in prostate cancer-not always a useful diagnostic tool. Histopathology. 2015 Feb 12.
- Anagnostopoulos I, Lenze D, Hummel M, Dietel M, Jöhrens K. Bone Marrow work-up: report of a pilot study. Recent Results Cancer Res. 2015;199:95-105.
- Lohneis P, Boral S, Kaufmann AM, Lehmann A, Schewe C, Dietel M, Anagnostopoulos I, Jöhrens K. Human papilloma virus status of penile squamous cell carcinoma is associated with differences in tumour-infiltrating T lymphocytes. Virchows Arch. 2015; 466: 323-31.
- Denkert C, von Minckwitz G, Brase JC, Sinn BV, Gade S, Kronenwett R, Pfitzner BM, Salat C, Loi S, Schmitt WD, Schem C, Fisch K, Darb-Esfahani S, Mehta K, Sotiriou C, Wienert S, Klare P, André F, Klauschen F, Blohmer JU, Krappmann K, Schmidt M, Tesch H, Kümmel S, Sinn P, Jackisch C, Dietel M, Reimer T, Untch M, Loibl S. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with or without carboplatin in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive and triple-negative primary breast cancers. J Clin Oncol. 2015 20; 33: 983-91.
- Jurmeister P, Lenze D, Berg E, Mende S, Schäper F, Kellner U, Herbst H, Sers C, Budczies J, Dietel M, Hummel M, von Laffert M. Parallel screening for ALK, MET and ROS1 alterations in non-small cell lung cancer with implications for daily routine testing. Lung Cancer. 2015; 87: 122-9.
- Taube ET, Denkert C, Pietzner K, Dietel M, Sehouli J, Darb-Esfahani S. Prognostic impact of neuroendocrine differentiation in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. Virchows Arch. 2015;466:333-42.
- Budczies J, von Winterfeld M, Klauschen F, Bockmayr M, Lennerz JK, Denkert C, Wolf T, Warth A, Dietel M, Anagnostopoulos I, Weichert W, Wittschieber D, Stenzinger A. The landscape of metastatic progression patterns across major human cancers. Oncotarget. 2015; 6: 570-83.
- Bläker H, Hildebrandt B, Riess H, von Winterfeld M, Ingold-Heppner B, Roth W, Kloor M, Schirmacher P, Dietel M, Tao S, Jansen L, Chang-Claude J, Ulrich A, Brenner H, Hoffmeister M. Lymph node count and prognosis in colorectal cancer: the influence of examination quality. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136: 1957-66.
- Budczies J, Pfitzner BM, Györffy B, Winzer KJ, Radke C, Dietel M, Fiehn O, Denkert C. Glutamate enrichment as new diagnostic opportunity in breast cancer. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136: 1619-28.