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Rudolf Virchow
Key Note Lectures (selection)
- Invited speaker at the Gordon Research Conference (New London, NH, US) on Chemotherapy of Experimental and Clinical Cancer, 1994.
- Key-Note on „ Driving the Future of Pathology Forward in Molecular and Clinical Diagnostics”, Tucson Symposium 2006 (AR, USA)
- Key-Note on “Predictive Molecular Pathology and its Clinical Relevance” – on occasion of the Humphrey Oei–Lecture, International Cancer Center, Singapore, 2008
- Key-Note on „Molecular Diagnostic Pathology “, by invitation of the University of Havanna, Cuba, 2009
- Presidential Lecture „Molecular Pathology of Breast Cancer“, Annual Meeting of the German Society of Oncology and Hematology, Stuttgart, 2012
- “Anatomic Pathology: From Functional Anatomy to Molecular Pathology“ – Invited keynote speaker on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Università Padova, Italia, 2012
- Key-Note on “Molecular Pathology” – Annual Meeting of Japanese Soc. of Pathology, Tokyo, Japan, 2013
- Key-Note on “Predictive Molecular Pathology, Next Generation Sequencing and Personalized Medicine”, Annual Congress of the Chinese Society of Molecular Pathology, Chongqing, China, 2013
- Key-Note on “Next Generation Sequencing and Predictive Tissue-based Diagnostics” – Congress of the Italian Soc. of Pathology (SIAPEC), Rom, Italy, 2013
- Key-Note on „European pathology development overview: past, present and future“ – Chinese Soc. of pathology, Chongqing, China, 2014
- Key-Note on “Tissue banking- history, position, future” Sergej Saltykow Memorial lecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 2014
- Key-Note on “Targeted Therapy and Molecular Pathology” – Congress of the Turkish Soc. of Pathology, Istanbul/Izmir, Turkey, 2015
- Key-Note on “Digital pathology in primary and secondary remote diagnostics” UNESCO Semmelweis Year – Semmelweis University/Federation of Hungarian Medical Associations Budapest, Ungarn, 2015